Global Postcard Stamp Reactions

Don’t overthink :slight_smile:
Send what you have :slight_smile:
You can’t please everyone :slight_smile:


Thank you!!

I am working on it! It’s hard lol

Just beware of fake stamps! I would personally go the route of reputable stamp dealers - they have stamp stock below face value too.



The card was from @Citrine28

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Ditto thoughts, with @TwasBrillig.
Along with some other suggestions here, I handle the woeful lack of interesting stamps at my local post office, by buying online direct from Canada Post. Service is fast, right to my door. No delivery fee.
And I get really pretty stamps for the profiles that ask for interesting ones. Otherwise, everyone would just get the boring repeat, repeat, repeat stamps.
We have some excellent domestic stamp choices at present, some nice stamps for US mail, but no choice, alas, for international mail. So, I make up the amount needed by using several prettier stamps, and only use the single international postage on smaller postcards.


Any ideas as to where to find reputable ones?

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@wmiz77 If your city has a stamp club or stamp show it’s fun to go to those because there are dealers that will sell mint never hinged stamps for cost or a little below face value. I find eBay doesn’t have the most for cheaper unless you find a “lot” of stamps on auction. Also go on Google maps and look up stamp dealers in your city and call them. You can ask if they have mint never hinged stamps for cost or below face value. Stamp price is about to go up to .65 in July and international I think $1.50 so you will need 2 forever stamps plus a .20 cent stamp or whatever combo adds up. I have a ridiculous amount of stamps I like to use on cards because I enjoy decorating the backside of cards and making them look pretty.


Here is the stamp dealers of Georgia association Facebook page.

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here is a website of stamps show around the usa. check to see one near you an when. as stated above, will find dealers selling unused/mint/unused (choose your word) us postage stamps. many would sell them at face value, as some will sell them at a discount. good luck and bring cash (bring extra $$ as i always end up buying more than i planned to) to get the discount.

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No, I don’t. But yes, some members do; a minority I think comprised of stamp collectors and those who are super hard to please regardless. Use the stamps you have and that are in your budget.
I’m sure I disappoint some members too :woman_shrugging:t2: but if you’ve been reading through the forum at all, then you already know you can’t please everyone all the time.
For me, the postcard and the message are the most important thing. Sometimes people decorate using washi tape and stickers, which I really enjoy too.
I love and appreciate beautiful stamps, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but sometimes fancy or unique stamps can be a distraction from the message itself and the card. But if someone wants to write a very short message and include many lovely stamps instead, like card I recently received, that’s fine too.
Every card is different! :earth_africa::two_hearts:


Sometimes I use a combination of what I have on hand: two Forever stamps, and a twenty cent stamp. I’m out of the twenty cent ones now, so today I used the school bus which is 24 cents I think.


@wmiz77 this forum thread is interesting and fun to look at too. There’s lots of US members who use combinations of current, readily available stamps.


Thanks :blush:

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I like seeing different stamps, but: I also love the modest, elegant look of postcard having only one stamp, address and the message. It has a timeless, precious feel :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Also, the global stamp changes. When I look older cards. there has been moon, poinsettia and some succulent. All these are round, so I like seeing that the shape stayes the same, but image changes.


The choice of stamps found on postcard is not an issue.

I don’t mind if you only have definitives stamps.

A written and stamped card is fine as it is.

The extra effort to add variety to stamps is consider a bonus to me.

I’m a stamp collector by the way.


Whenever you’re ready to go outside the current USPS offerings, there is a whole thread about it here:

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Just some observations. First when it comes to postcards, it is the picture that is collected. However there is great appeal concerning the stamps used on the message side. I have many thousands of postcards that are stamped & written. On Sunday, I picked up this item at a stamp show; a mailed viewcard from Greenland:

I also think that with PostCrossing you need to take some initiative. Asc @roxsm and @samquito noted there are options to get some stamp varieties on your mail. Here is a envelope that I mailed involving a private swap to a member in the Mideast:

I bought the Forever stamps from USPS stamp fulfillment in Kansas City; the other commemoratives were purchased at a major stamp show last year here in NJ.


I love to use the higher value Forever stamps – A 2oz Forever stamp (87 cents), a Forever postcard stamp (48 cents) and a Pear (10 cents) make a nice 3-stamp combo. At least until the rates go up in July.

Another option that I know not all of us have is to print an address label. My handwriting is atrocious, and big, so printing labels saves me space for stamps and/or stickers.