German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

This meetup sounds nice. I’m in Berlin on that day too (for the meeting on the day before). If possible I would love to join this meeting as well

thats for sure… can’t wait for the day… still so long time to wait

Am i on a participant List already or is that not necessary?

Thanks for the information. Good news :smiley:
I tried my hand on a meeting card too.
Are there others who will make a meeting card for this gathering?

Definitely! I am so much looking forward to it!
Probably the first time that I am looking forward to autumn at this time of the year :smiley:


Good news.

This sound so great. I am really looking foreward to that. :heart: :blue_heart: :heart: :blue_heart:

@herkenbe : I looked at the list in the second post of this thread and found you at place 23. :grinning:

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Great, thank you very much. Didn’t get that on my mobile while in a bad hotel WLAN connection.

Hi, I would love to take part at this meeting but I am not sure yet, if I will be able to make it. Would you please add me to the “maybe” list?

I would love to join this meeting as well if it’s still possible. I’m already in Berlin that day …

@meiadeleite Could you please add me to the list , too? Thank you! Dankeschön.

Please add me to the Maybe List, too! :slight_smile:

Please also add me to the list. Thanks.

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Please add me to the list. Thank you very much!

Ich nehme nicht teil

Guten Tag
Ich bin neu hier und würde gern zu dem Meeting kommen am 07.10.2022 im Museum für Kommunikation.
Wünsche ein schönes Wochenende und sende Grüße aus Treptow Rita

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Ai, I’m so sad I have to cancel. I was soo happy and enthousiast that I didn’t look in my calender. Since long time, I promised my friends to take care of their 4 year old son who is my ‘bonusgrandson’ during 5 days. It’s really a pity that I didn’t learn yet to part myself in two parts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I really looked forward to see you all and Berlin again and also to celebrate the new Postcrosdingstamp. I’ve written several cards to the government to ask for it. But unfortunately I do havd to cancel both meetingdays in Berlin. I hope to see you all some other time.


Bring your bonus grandson to Berlin, he’ll have a lot of fun with us! :wink:


I also would like to participate. Please add me to the list - thank you!