German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

Hello @meiadeleite
Can you please add the updates in the top leader??
now we have to scroll trough all the reactions
end can you tell us if Paulo and Ana will join too?

i am in Berlin for the meetup on 6 October, so i am there already.
and an other question, is there a limit for participants??

succes and all the best

Hope I can join the party too!!! :smile::+1:
Cant wait

I would love to come, too. :slight_smile:


I will be there too +2 (@Bluriel and @chrisskywalker )!

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Hey Riek! :smiley: small world, right? :smiley: @meiadeleite is Ana :wink:

so i hear. But that’s no problem :innocent: is it?

Count be in please :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Sanni87 would like to join as well.


I would love to join too! :cherry_blossom::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Another one who would like to join the meetup :hugs:


I would also love to join, please :slight_smile:

Wow, the event sounds just awesome! I would love to join, if it’s possible!

Hallo alle zusammen! Wenn es möglich ist, setzt mich doch bitte mit auf die Liste! Danke und bis dann… Euer Heiko aus Freiburg im Breisgau

Hallo, das hört sich wirklich toll an. Schreibe mich bitte auf die Teilnehmerliste.

This sounds like a must-attend event! I will try to organise a second trip to Germany. :slight_smile:


Unfortunately I cannot make it to the meeting.
Please remove me from the participants list, thanks.
I wish you a wonderful day and meeting together. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Sounds so cool. Please count me in :slight_smile:


Leider muss ich aus persönlichen gründen absagen :frowning:

Hi everyone! :wave: Just posting a quick update here, in case you missed the changes on the first post.

The meetup will take place at the super cool Museum for Communications in Berlin, in their Lichthof, from 12:30 to 4:30pm. There will be some tables and chairs for participants, and Deustche Post’s temporary post office will be there too, so that you can buy some stamps and use the special cancellation marks.

The museum has an entry fee of €6 for adults, so note that you’ll have to pay the entry to come to this meeting. Later on I’ll post the information about a guided tour that the museum is organizing for postcrossers on that day, which is included in the ticket.

It’s a really nice and large space, so unless the pandemic restrictions change until then, there should be plenty of room for everyone. :slight_smile:

Naturally, we’re making a special meetup card, which will match the stamp design! More info on that later as well.

I hope everyone is as excited as we are to launch this stamp!


Absolutely! :blush:

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