German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

I’d like to say thanks to everyone who made this wonderful meetup possibile and to everyone who attended and whom I could talk to. The Deutsche Post team did their very best, and thus many nice cards will go out into the world…


It was a great pleasure to be present at the museum today and meet so many nice people.

A deep bow to the orga team who have been planning this for a year or so and had to face many challenges due to last minute changes in the arrangement.

And I am sure that @anon73866930 was somehow there with us today celebrating…


It was a pleasure to meet you all today! So nice that there were also international participants.

A big thank you for the organisation of this wonderful meetup! Also thank you for the little gifts inside the envelope.

I really enjoyed the time with you all!


Das Photo ist echt klasse. Eine schöne Erinnerung! Mir geht’s wie dir - ich kann genau zwei Gesichter zuordnen :woman_shrugging:
Schön, dass ihr so viel Spaß hattet!


Thank you so much for a wonderful day at a wonderful place with wonderful people :grinning: !!


What a day! Massive thank you goes out to everyone involved in organizing the event :bouquet: My very first meetup, and such a memorable one… It’s been a pleasure chatting with you all and meeting the faces behind so many postcards!

And now, picspam :grin:

Some of us started the meetup with a tour of the museum! We learned all about the origins of mail services (a Habsburg working from home at his sugar mama’s place), and we got to see the museum’s rock star:

(Was anyone else triggered when our guide kept saying Mauritius was in the Caribbean…?)

Our stamping friend, that poor guy :sweat_smile: (I obfuscated the ID and address visible in the photo, don’t worry)

And then we all started stamping and signing cards, hundreds and hundreds of them… I took some paparazzi photos of the process! If anyone doesn’t want their photo here just ping me, I’ll remove it before you can say Sonderpostwertzeichen :blush:


WAIT what!? NOOOO :broken_heart::sob::sweat_smile:


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the organizers and participants who made this meeting an unforgettable day. Many familiar names finally got a face for me. It was a pleasure to meet old friends there again, there was plenty of chatting, and hey - Ana and Paulo found time to exchange a few friendly words with every postcrosser present. The Museum for Communication in Berlin was the perfect place for this meeting! One downer remains though - Linus could only watch from the heavens.


I enjoyed this meeting very much!!! It was great to meet many “old” friends as well as many new ones, and many familiar names finally got a face :smiley:

Many thanks to the organizing team – you made this afternoon something special :partying_face:
A special thank to @kroete68 and @frewen at the “reception desk”, to the “stamping man” from the German Post Office :postbox: and not least to @meiadeleite & @paulo , it was a great pleasure to meet you personally :grinning:

The only sad thing was that Linus58 / Ralf couldn’t be there himself, but I’m sure he watched us all from heaven :purple_heart:


Oh, thank you!!! :star_struck::heart_eyes:
I love the photos! An the one of myself is my favorite one: pure excitement .:joy::fire::fire:
What a perfect shot !:joy:🫶🏻


Thanks for the great meetup.


I was so happy to be in the meet-up yesterday; my first.

I was glad to meet so many nice people. I felt I was with friends.

Even though I was racing with time to write all my cards, address them (more than 20), the chats and interactions that I had with the people in between were very friendly. Sometimes awkward, but always friendly :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great organisation.


It looks like a great event! I was excited to see how it would go, even though I couldn’t be there myself. Thank you for sharing!

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Ohhhhhhlobe the photo. …… would love to see this in a postcard just for us . You all look so happy. Thanks for showing us your special day.


Great pictures, also on FB
I already received a first card today. Thank you @ctr


These photos are precious even though I could not be there Canada and all…. I was there with you… huge thanks for two of you who came forward to send me cards of your day …


Back home full of impressions and memories. It was lovely to see old friends and meet a lot of new friendly people! It is great to finally have this stamp in our hands and the setting to welcome it was just perfect. Special thank you to all the people who organised this meeting to make it a day to remember, for all your hard work. Hope all participants made it home safely or continue to explore Berlin!


we are back in hamburg
after that our train was canceled yesterday

i am happy when i was thinking about that wonderful meeting
meeting known beloved postcrossers
meeting new postcrossers
meeting postcrossers the first time in person

it was a wonderful peaceful atmosphere

thank you everyone


I would like give thanks too.
It was a great meeting with many nice people.

Thanks to the organisation, the nice participants, the hard workers at the German Post stand and all the other background workers and sponsors.



Die Begegnungen waren “kurz und heftig”. :blush:
Dank der DB konnte ich erst gegen 15.10 Uhr ankommen.
Vielen Dank für die super Einweisung in den Ablauf eines Meetings (ja, es war mein erstes …). Und schön ist, dass ich einige kennengelernt habe, die wir untereinander schon Postkarten “getauscht” haben. Das lässt sich im Profil ja schnell finden.
Danke für die Organisation - und danke auch an die fleißigen Postmitarbeiter, besonders den Stempler. :slight_smile:
Beste Grüße (wieder) aus NRW.


@markusvolker Jetzt war ich neugierig…hab dir ja tatsächlich vor einem Jahr mal ne Karte geschickt, wusste ich gar nicht mehr. :sweat_smile: