German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

@andrea209 und @manu86 - wie schade, dass ihr nicht dabei sein werdet!

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Wow! It just so happens I booked a flight to visit Berlin for my 30th birthday and will be in town at the same time as the meetup! Is it possible to add me to the participants list?

I have never been to any Postcrossing meetup before (there aren’t many where I am); if there is anything else I need to do please let me know :slight_smile:


Great, your name was added to the list of participants.

Not really. Bring a pen for signing a few cards if you like to do so, and if you’d like to have some of the meetup cards, please contact @kroete68. (See this post for more information: German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin) - #250 by meiadeleite)

Else: Come, see many happy Postcrossers and have fun!


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: INCOMPLETE Pre-stamp-launch event card signing meetup (October 6th, Berlin, region Potsdamer Platz, 19:00 UTC+2)

I moved all posts concerning the Pre-Stamp meetup to the matching topic. Please continue discussing that event there. Thanks!


If you want to prepare your cards:

You could preorder your postcrossing stamps via E-Mail to if you want. Probably just for national delivery in Germany.

They said they can start deliveries end of September. Those letters need about 4-6 days to arrive.

But there will be an office at the meetup too… And if it runs out of stamps (which probably won’t happen) Potsdamer Platz 2, 10785 Berlin (8 AM to 9 PM) would be the next address to get them…


I will be there! My first Postcrossing meet-up :heart:


I would also love to participate if that is still possible! It would be my first meet-up and I would be very happy.

Ich würde auch gerne teilnehmen, falls das noch möglich ist! Es wäre mein erstes Meet-Up und ich würde mich sehr freuen.


Hört sich so an, als ob jede Menge Platz dort wäre, das geht bestimmt noch! Herzlich willkommen!! :slight_smile:


Please count me in. This will be my first meeting :grinning:


Ich muss das Meeting leider absagen


I hope this is the right space to request my taking part in the event, I will definitely be there and it will be my first meet-up, oh what a special one <3


Just a quick post to share with you all the design of the meetup card, which is now off to the printers. The final print will not have the watermarks, naturally :slight_smile:

If you’ve ordered it by messaging @kroete68, you should get it later this month.


I like it - and big thanks for the memoriam for Linus58 at the stamp’s place :kissing_heart:


I think you might have mixed up the users. We should have ordered with @kroete68, shouldn’t we?

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Thanks for mentioning that, @Cassiopheia!

Yes! :flushed:

(Sorry Ute… I guess the coffee hadn’t kicked in yet.)

Those deliveries take 5 days they say. So it may be only for those starting their trips late the in October (29.09. + 5 days). Plan ahead if you want to pay via SEPA direct debit. They’ll send out a physical letter you have to sign and post back to them.
Plan about 7-14 days if SEPA direct debit is your way to pay.

In addition to the meetup-postcards, there will be Postcrossing-Flyers available in Berlin. If you’d like to have some, you can read here how to order them: [SAMMELBESTELLUNG] Postcrossing-Flyer

Information in English: [SAMMELBESTELLUNG] Postcrossing-Flyer - #2 by Reisegern