General Meetup Discussions


I need your help.
I created a meetup in the forum 14 days ago. How long does it take for it to be on the meeting list?


Hello @Mundoo! I registered a meetup 4 days ago. Can you add it to a calendar? How long does it usually take to verify information? There are already people wanting to attend the meeting, Iā€™m compiling and editing the list, so Iā€™m a little worried that the meeting hasnā€™t been added to the calendar yetā€¦ Thanks for your reply.

@Julchen70 and @an-foxy
Please be patient.
Vicky/mundoo is very busy and it can take a little time, but you can be sure that your meeting will be entered in the calendar in sufficient time.

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There are several reasons why your meeting is not on the calendar yet.

The main one being priority is given to the meetings that are happening sooner (current month for example) rather than the later ones (think later in the year). Meetings for this month are being added each day by members, many with only a couple of days/hours notice!

I am working my way though the lists, I am adding this monthā€™s ones straight away (after checking) and have started to check and process next months ones.

I will get to your meeting. It is in my queue. It will be added well before October, most likely in the next few days.

All valid and complete meetings are added to the calendar as time permits.



It can take up to a fortnight. Depends on my workload and the date of the meeting and how many listings are in my work queue.

Earliest dates are added first then, next month, then as the waiting dates comes to the top of my queue.



I was just wondering - do any postcrossers ever meet informally?

What I mean is - if you have to travel to another town or country for whatever reason, do you put it ā€˜out thereā€™ if there are any postcrossers that want to meet up for tea/coffee/whatever and chat? :thinking::grinning:


Yes, I did it a few times already. Last time in Chicago with @Felice1959

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I have also done a few. Most recent with @dollart when she visited KrakĆ³w and with @Knirin when I was on vacation in Munich.


Yes, occasionally. Iā€™ve met some nice people that way already!


I havenā€™t yet but definitely would. There are several postcrossers that I exchange cards with regularly and if I plan to be in the cities that they live in, Iā€™ll definitely send a message in advance inviting them to share a meal and a chat!


Okay, now I canā€™t get this meme out of my head! :grimacing::woman_facepalming:t3::joy:


It wad great meeting old friend @delenn_mir after long time. Always when i travel i contact local postcrossers to meet and shop postcardsm Usually people can help you find best cards and show you places. I have met unofficial meetings in Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Austria, Canada, Dubai, Portugal, Northern ireland,
And after these small meetings you are friends for time.
in Brazil unofficial turn into lovely bigger meetup. Just reach out and ask who would be intrrested meeting over postcards :grin:


I had another postcrosser message me and wanted to meet up in my city. I had no connection to this person and found it interesting. Ended up not meeting up with them. I didnā€™t feel well that day and my husband wasnā€™t crazy about the idea to begin with. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@YellowButterfly76 - Yes, I had that sort of thing you talk about in mind too, when I asked my question ā€¦. We humans do need some kind of connection and, postcrosser, or not, I would have to feel okay about any meet-up.

Call me old-fashioned, but it would also depend on gender - being female, I would feel happier meeting a female than an unconnected male, even if the meeting was in a busy, public place.

Not out to cause any offence to anyone, just trying to be honest. :slightly_smiling_face: Itā€™s why I asked the question in the first place really. There is plenty of information about formal meet-ups in the forum, but I didnā€™t see anything mentioned about informal meet-ups and I did wonder if people did ever meet up informally and what peopleā€™s thoughts on it were because I am just curious about it! :tipping_hand_woman:t3::upside_down_face:

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@paulo @Mundoo @meiadeleite Is it actually allowed to offer old cards from previous meetup for a new meetup ? Iā€˜d like to have stickers for the backside with the current date .

As long as the participants are aware that they are from a different date and are updated with a sticker with the new date and are unused I canā€™t see any issues.


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A post was merged into an existing topic: TALK in ENGLISH - Visitors Corner - 2024

I am not sure if anybody already asks. I created a meetup announcement last weekend. But I still donā€™t see it in the meetup list. Do you know the average time until meetups appear there? I am just curious because it is the first time I created one. And I hope I fulfilled all rules. The meetup I announce is in a different country from where I live.

Yes, that is asked several times before :wink:

Here is one of the answers:


@Bille @Mundoo Thank you both very much. I am glad that it is just this easy answer. So I gonna be more patient. :slight_smile:

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