General Meetup Discussions

@Evike86 I would like to ask you to translate your post into English so that every user can understand what you wrote.
Talking in you mother tongue is only allowed in your Community and in MeetUp topics.

Well, itā€™s like this for meetings: February 1st, while March 1st is my meeting

If the wrong date was added to the calendar, then this probably happened by mistake.
Please ask mundoo/Vicky in the MeetUp topic to correct this .

Thanks for drawing my attention to the wrong month that I entered on the calendar.

All fixed now. :grinning:


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I have a question about the Meetup in Hiroshima, Japan in May.
The meeting place is incomplete and has not been added to the calendar yet.
The host has corrected it and added it.
I messaged Mundoo in the hostā€™s topic.

Hi mundoo!
The host corrected this question and added West Exhibition Hall, 1st Floor, 3rd Exhibition Hall.
There is a reception desk at the venue.
You can also ask there.
There are rooms inside, so there is no problem.
There are less than two weeks until the event begins, so please check it out as soon as possible.
Please add it to your calendar.
Thank you!

How can Mundoo be the first to know about this?
I know Mundoo is very busy.
But she doesnā€™t have time!
How can I do this?
Thank you!

The host answered Vickyā€™s question yesterday and you have written to her twice - so she has now received 3 notifications about it.
I would ask you to be patient until Vicky is back online and sees these notifications.
Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for adding the additional information.

Your meeting has been added to the Postcrossing calendar with plenty of time.

Have a great meeting.


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Thanks for the tip Bille.
Thanks for adding the calendar, mundoo.
Sheā€™ll be happy!

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Iā€™m going to my first meetup in a couple weeks. Iā€™ve read a lot of the discussions and have an idea what they are:postcrossers getting to know each other. On the guidelines it talks about bringing cards and asking people to sign them but not too many. Why do you bring cards and what do you do with them after people sign them?

Would you please edit your post and write it in English, as this is the language we use to communicate in this section of the forum. Other languages are only allowed in the relevant Language & Geographical Communities and Meetups :arrow_right: Community Guidelines

Sorry. I forgot, that I have to write in English. :frowning:


sorry, I wrote my first answer in German. Now you receive a shorter version in English. :slight_smile:

The partipicant, who is organizing the meetup has to create/design one ore more postcards for it (or an partipicant who is crative). The cards are shown in the forum where the meetup is organized. Every partipicant orders a number of cards and pays it. Then the organizer let the cards print and will send the ordered cards to the paartipicants. They stamp (you have to design an individual stamp with your name of the profile). their cards. In the meetup every partipicant stamp all the cards of the others. - You can send the cards to PC you have direct sweaps or you use your cards to addresses you receive here.

I hope you understand my English. - If you didnĀ“t receive cards of a meetup yet, please tell me. Then I will you a sample.

Enjoy the weekend.
Best wishes from Germany

While a postcard is often made for a meetup, itā€™s not mandatory making one.


Howdy to all! I have been a postcrossing member for a few years now and finally attended my first meetup last year. I saw the Meetup Guidelines and that anyone can start one, so Iā€™m thinking of doing one in West Seattle! My question is if there is anyone in the area that has experience in these? Obviously location and dates are the biggest things to arrange but am I supposed to have other incentives as well? I know at the last one, folks had homemade cards they brought for sale, some snacks, etc. Is it a given that the host provide all these things? Would love a good chat on how to successfully do this so any help is more than welcome. Thank you!

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If you want to keep it simple, you just find a place to meet at the chosen time and date. No need to do more than sitting down somewhere and chat and write postcards (and maybe buy something to eat/drink). At some meetings Iā€™ve been to, thatā€™s the only thing weā€™ve done during the meetup. But at other meetups, weā€™ve spent more time together, visited a museum for instance, in addition to a meal and writing postcards.

Here in Norway, itā€™s common that those who want meetup postcards pays for the amount of cards they want to cover the printing and shipping.
Itā€™s not given that snacks is provided, but I think it would be fair that the cost is splitted between the participants if you provide something to eat and drink. Same goes if one has to pay a fee to rent a room somewhere, in my opinion. But of course, the host can choose to pay for it themselves. If you want the participants to split the cost between them, please mention that in the thread.

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There has been meetings in Seattle before, so you surely arenā€™t the only one.
The ā€˜hardestā€™ thing we find often is to find a restaurant where they will allow you to sit, eat, drink chat and write postcards for a couple of hours, espescially in the weekends. Keep it simple this first time and I do hope that other postcrossers in and around Seattle will read your message and are willing to help you. Good luck, I loved Seattle when I was there in 2005.

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You might consider using your local library. Not sure if the West Seattle library has a decent sized meeting space but most do and can be reserved by the public. This is what I did in Tacoma.

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Seattle has an amazing library, but I donā€™t remember if they have space where you can gather. Good luck @Mohawkthibs

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This is about a meetup in January 2024 in Seattle, you could ask the organizer or some of the guests about local advice, and also of course if they are interested

If you want to do it all on your own, well, public library or any friendly community neighbourhood centre might be a good option. Of course coffeeshops and/or restaurants can be a good place too, though sometimes itā€™s a challenge to have it close to public transport (or parking for you in car-loving US (clichee)) but still not too crowded and with owners patient enough to let you sit for some hours without a megahuge bill.
As for the rest: special designed meetup cards are an option, as are ā€˜secret-santaā€™-like games or lotteries. But as guests bring their passion about cards anyway, itā€™s also enough to provide the frame (in my experience)

Have fun and joy and success, good luck. And for any other questions and experiences, this here is a good place for it.

to create a meeting what are the does and donā€™t?
how hard is it