General Meetup Discussions

If a card has not been approved, then it may not be used as designed - either at the Meetup or later. It must be changed so that it complies with the Logo Guidelines.

But the meeting had already taken place, and I was there to see the wrong cards being printed and distributed.

Thank you for the information.

Iā€™m planning a meetup that will be taking place at a stamp show. They would like to put our meetup on their program. And they would like to use the Postcrossing logo. I have downloaded the logo guidelines to use as Iā€™m designing our meetup postcard but wasnā€™t sure how to handle approval for the stamp show program. Thanks in advance for help with this.

Go to the bottom of the page you linked and follow that link there:

Explain everything to the Postcrossing team and you will hear back from them.


Question: is it possible to have a meeting of say 12, where on forehand you have made plans with fellow postcrossers to meet. Or do you always have to have an open participants list?

The Meetup Guidelines state that

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Of course you can have a meeting with 12 friends, but this is a private meeting and not a Postcrossing MeetUp.
It makes no sense to post it here because it will not be added to the calendar.
And as far as I know, you are not allowed to print a card with the Postcrossing logo or the words ā€œPostcrossing Meetingā€.

@Mundoo, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


I also found this in the rules,

Itā€™s a good idea to first check if thereā€™s at least some people who would join. You might already know other local postcrossers, so ask them if they would like to meet over some postcards and coffee!

This is to prevent that youā€™re the only person on a meetingā€¦ which would be a bit sad. :frowning: We want meetings to be successful, and a one-person meeting is not really a ā€œmeetingā€, right?

Like Bille mentioned, if youā€™re just getting together with a group of friends, thatā€™s great ā€” but itā€™s not a Postcrossing meetup. Postcrossing meetups should be open and give other members of the community the chance to join (even if seats are limited).


Thanks for clearing up, their was a contradiction for me in it.

I submitted my proposed meetup card several days ago. I know we need to give administrators 2 weeks to approve. Iā€™m worried that it didnā€™t even post. Should it show up in list of meetups even before itā€™s approved so people know the date?

Just post the meetup youā€™re planning, including the desired card design. If thereā€™s something wrong you will be asked to change it. Only when everything is alright your meetup will be added to the meetup calendar.

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If you announce a meetup in USA , you can also show your card there and @Mundoo will then check whether the card complies with the logo guidelines and whether all the necessary information for the meetup has been added.
If everything is fine the Meetup will be added to the calendar.

Where did you proposed it? I canā€™t find a topic about your Meetup.

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Yes, it is viewable in the meeting section where you listed it.

What takes a little time is it being checked for complete information etc and added to the Postcrossing calendar.

I can see your query to Postcrossing support and a reply asking for further information on 8 February.

Have you read our reply?

You can oblige fellow postcrossers to contribute to room rental if you have to pay room rental at a location

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Hi, everyone! I have some questions about organizing meet up that I was wondering if somebody who has experience in hosting them could help me out. Someone might have asked these before so I apologize if theyā€™ve already been answered prior.

Alongside posting information about the meet up in the meetup forum for my country, how else can I possibly let people near within neighboring towns near me that might be interested in attending that I am hosting it?

Do majority of the meetups hosted have a postcard created to commemorate the meetup or have there been some without one created for it?

How long ahead did you plan ahead for your meetup?

Thank you!

Hi Matthew

Iā€™d suggest posting the meet up notice at least 2 weeks in advance, so people can plan. Also, this gives the mods plenty of time to review it and let you know if youā€™ve missed any details. Once they approve it, it will appear on the main site as well.

You can use the search function on the main site to find users who are in the area - I recommend limiting the search to people who have logged in recently. Then you can send them a message to let them know about the meet up.

Meet up cards are popular, but not essential. Especially for a first meet up when you donā€™t know yet how much interest you might have, you donā€™t want to have too many things to worry about. You can also just have everyone sign whatever cards people have to send out.

Good luck and have fun!

Good questions! In my experience having hosted meetups in three countries (so far;-), itā€™s definitely helpful to reach out to people on other possible forums as well. When organizing in Switzerland and Hungary, I also posted in the dedicated Facebook groups. For Poland, I didnā€™t know where the community is active and several people only found the meetup a few days before the event. The challenge of this is if people want to order cards, itā€™s too late for that.

Iā€™ve never been to a meetup that has not had its own cards and highly recommend creating one. (If you need help with the design, Iā€™m happy to lend a hand, I love designing cards.) Ask others in the local community about printing options or search online. Use services that offer bulk discounts otherwise itā€™s too expensive. Some people order 5, others 50, itā€™s hard to know, which is another reason to ask early.

Iā€™d post as soon as possible, two weeks is going to be too short for people who have busy schedules or may need to travel to the event (my understanding is that 2 weeks is the minimum required here). Iā€™ve advertised mine at least a month in advance, but many get posted several months in advance. I already have one on my calendar (that Iā€™m attending) on Oct 12. That is not necessary of course, but the sooner the better.

When showing up with cards, itā€™s helpful if you have attendees names printed on a small piece of paper for each batch of cards to be signed (plus a rubber band), that way everyone can keep track of who has signed what.

Above all, enjoy the process. Iā€™ve found it to be a super friendly community and Iā€™m eager to host more in an ever-growing number of countries. :star_struck:

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