FULL Bowling Meet-Up Zwolle 13-01-2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Zwolle, Overijssel, The Netherlands
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Bowlen & Zo, Boerendanserdijk 43a, 8024 AE Zwolle
:calendar: DATE: 13 january 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Summary: Bowling in teams of 6, Cards and Books with beverages. Costs: 7 to 10 euro and drinks

ATTENTION: Changed date due to work of organisator!

I though it would be fun to go bowling with the postcrossingfamily! So on saturday the 27th of January we will at Bowlen & Zo in Zwolle. You can go by car or take public transport, first the train to Zwolle and than bus 3 to Berkum. From the busstop it is al walk of 250 meters.

We will start by bowling in teams of 6. After we will have a large table and can all write cards and booklets. You can also order drinks which are on your own costs. Bowling will cost between €7 and €10 euro, according to the amount of people. With 18 people we will pay 7 euro per person. You can pay me the amount in advance by Tikkie.

Close to the meeting i will make a whatsappgroup to give specific details.

Meetupcard is cancelled. A new will be designed and will kost around €0,60 which you can pay by tikkie in advance.

NOTE: This meeting starts at 13:30, you cannot lunch at Bowlen & Zo, so you have to lunch in advance.


  1. itsagoldsky (Jessica)
  2. Madeofthis (Annalies) 15 kaarten
  3. L3oni3 (Leonie) 5 kaarten
  4. Specialhorse (Marianne)
  5. SusanneMartijn (Susanne) 40 kaarten
  6. Verajunior - 4 kaarten
  7. VictorialIris (Mariska) 20 kaarten
  8. IrisenFleur (Iris)
    9. Caterp1llar (Elvira) 10 kaarten
  9. Anne24
  10. Mir1990 ( Mireille) 10 kaarten
  11. Melelo (Cindy) 15 kaarten
  12. Blijdatikschrijf (Heleen) 21 kaarten
    13. DutchIslandGirl (Linda) OVB
  13. DinoMino
  14. evelienH29 (evelien) OVB
  15. Gait (Gytha) OVB
  16. MariekeSchier (Marieke) OVB
  17. 940gl (Marieke) OVB 3 kaarten
  18. Muppet450 (Rachel) 15 kaarten


  1. DinoMino (Dennis)
  2. Anne24 (Anne)
  3. Marika050 (Marika)
  4. Cleo1 (Anja)

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Yes, hier ben ik graag bij! :slight_smile:


Oh graag!
Ga graag mee.
Sign me up!!


Kom heel graag :slight_smile:


Ik kom heel graag , schrijf je mij in

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Ja leuk :bowling:

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Iris ( postcrossing naam: IrisenFleur) en ik komen graag, leuk idee!

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Gezellig, ik ga graag mee!

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Please count me in OVB

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Please count me in.

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Ik kom ook graag (wel op dit moment nog ovb)

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Ik kom graag :slight_smile: nog wel ovb

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O.v.b mag je mij ol de lijst zetten
Groet Evelien herder

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Mogen Marieke en ik op OVB? Dan ga ik het even met haar overlegen :slight_smile:

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Tuurlijk, Marieke alsin @MariekeSchier ?

Please count me in but with an OVB

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Jazeker, maar volgens mij is ze niet zo heel veel op het forum :slight_smile:

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Geen probleem, maar dan voldoe ik aan de regels van het Forum!

Please count me in

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@madeofthis @L3oni3 @specialhorse @suzannemartijn @Jaynillo @VictoriaIris @Caterp1llar @blijdatikschrijf @DutchIslandGirl @evelienH29 @Gait @MariekeSchier @940gl @muppet450 Kaart is ontworpen. Bestellen kan tot 7/1/24