FRANCE - Countdown to FR-1777777

Au tour du compte à rebours français.

Prochain objectif : FR-1777777

FR-1 to the USA - sent on 26/Jul/2005
FR-10 to Brazil - sent on 27/Jul/2005
FR-100 to Portugal - sent on 17/Aug/2005
FR-1000 to Finland - sent on 5/Jan/2006
FR-10000 to Finland - sent on 9/Feb/2007
FR-100000 to Turkey - sent on 20/Jun/2010
FR-200000 to Indonesia - sent on 22/Mar/2012
FR-300000 to Germany - sent on 10/Jul/2013
FR-400000 to Finland - sent on 30/May/2014
FR-500000 to the UK - sent on 17/Mar/2015
FR-600000 to Singapore - sent on 5/Nov/2015
FR-700000 to Latvia - sent on 22/May/2016
FR-800000 to the Netherlands - sent on 1/Jan/2017
FR-900000 to Ukraine - sent on 10/Aug/2017
FR-1000000 to the Netherlands - sent on 12/Mar/2018
FR-1100000 to China - sent on 6/Nov/2018
FR-1200000 to Russia - sent on 9/Aug/2019
FR-1300000 to USA - sent on 12/Jul/2020
FR-1350000 to …
FR-1400000 vers l’Allemagne, envoyée le 10 mai 2021
FR-1500000 vers les Pays-Bas, envoyée le 26 mars 2022
FR-1555555 vers la Biélorussie, envoyée le 12 octobre 2022
FR-1616161 vers la Nouvelle-Zélande, envoyée le 8 mai 2023
FR-1666666 vers la Roumanie, envoyée le 22 novembre 2023
FR-1700000 vers l’Inde, envoyée le 1er avril 2024
FR-1777777 vers


Merci pour cette récap, c’est bien sympa de regarder avec le recul où sont parties les cartes majeures :slight_smile:

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De rien, c’est @Island_Breeze qui la tenait dans l’ancien forum.

Si on regarde bien, on s’aperçoit que c’est souvent les mêmes personnes qui envoient les numéros spéciaux. :wink:

I received


-Official cards travelling to: :ru: 362 days, Expired :frowning: and 12 days :cn: 345 days, 266 days Expired :frowning: and 20 days, :india: 313 days, Expired :frowning: :macau: 253 days, :mexico: 246 days, Expired :frowning: , :hong_kong: 192 days, Expired :frowning: , :es: 110 days, Expired :frowning: , :portugal: 89 days Expired :frowning: , :taiwan: 22 days, :us: 19 days and 12 days and :uk: 12 days.

-Last 10 received: :australia:, :finland:, :ru:, :uk:, :switzerland:, :thailand:, :us:, :norway:, :us: and :fr: .

-Last official Thank you card from victorl-hk (HK)

FR-1350000 a déjà été envoyée !

Prochain objectif : FR-1400000

yesterday I received:

I received 3 cards in a row from France this week. :slight_smile:


-Official cards travelling to :hong_kong: 339 days, Expired :frowning: , :portugal: 236 days Expired :frowning: , :netherlands: 110 days, Expired :(, :belarus: 61 days, Expired :(, :taiwan: 40 days, :cn: 30 days, :us: 26 days, 12 days and 6 days, :ru: 24 days, 21 days and 19 days, :czech_republic:, :norway: 6 days, :finland: and :canada: 5 days.

-Last 10 received: :czech_republic:, :new_zealand:, :finland:, :cn:, :taiwan:, :fr:, :fr:, :fr:, :ru: and :uk:

Merci @thibcabe d’avoir repris ce thread (et celui pour la Suisse aussi) :slightly_smiling_face:

J’ai envoyé FR-1430116, FR-1430119, et FR-1430122 il y a quelques jours.

FR-1500000 avant la fin de l’année !? :thinking:
Peu probable…

Oui, très peu probable que FR-1500000 ne sorte avant la fin de l’année… Le prix du timbre qui augmente chaque année n’aide pas vraiment à envoyer plus de cartes… :pensive:

FR-1450073 va partir pour la Biélorussie.

FR-1463631 est partie pour la Malaysie.

Y’a plus qu’à :innocent:

FR-1477045 est partie pour le Brésil.


arrived this week. Both cards from my favorites.
You need a new countdown. :wink:

-Official cards travelling to: :cn: 313 days, 292 days and 180 days Expired :frowning: :azerbaijan: 286 days Expired :frowning: , :us: 254 days Expired :frowning: 12 days, 11 days, 6 days and 4 days, :uk: 104 days, Expired :frowning: and 6 days, :ru: 68 days, Expired :frowning: ,18 days and 11 days, :canada:, :fr: and :jp: 18 days.

-Last 10 received: :es:, :australia:, :us:, :uk:, :es:, :finland:, :fr:, :canada:, :taiwan: and :fr:.

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-Official cards travelling to: :cn: 320 days, 300 days, 187 days Expired :frowning: and 1 day, :azerbaijan: 294 days Expired :frowning: , :us: 262 days Expired :frowning: ,20 days, 14 days, 1 day and today, :uk: 112 days, Expired :frowning: and 14 days, :ru: 76 days, Expired :frowning: ,26 days, 19 days, 3 days and 1 day, :canada:, :fr: 26 days, :finland: 3 days, :netherlands: 2 days and :belarus: today.

-Last 10 received: :fr:, :canada:, :taiwan:, :fr: , :us:, :us:, :cn:, :uk:, :us: and :fr:.

Yesterday I received

-Official cards travelling to: :us: 338 days Expired :frowning: ,60 days, 6 days, 5 days, 4 days and 1 day, :cn: 264 days and 72 days Expired :frowning: , :uk: 189 days, 91 days, Expired :frowning: and 2 days, :fr: 102 days, Expired :frowning: ,:ru: 96 days, 79 days Expired :frowning: , 12 days, 6 days, 5 days and 4 days, :belarus: 39 days, :netherlands: 18 days, :taiwan: 6 days and 3 days, :lithuania: 4 days, :czech_republic: 3 days, :poland: 2 days, :india: 1 day and :slovenia: today.

-Last 10 received: :finland:, :finland:, :finland:, :kr:, :canada:, :jp:, :us:, :us:, :belarus: and :fr:.

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Just picked 1530000 to send to Åland Island :desert_island: :aland_islands:


FR-1559800 est partie pour la Finlande

It seems FR-1555555 hasn’t reach its destination yet, but FR-1555551 is already in Texas!

Mis à jour, désolé du retard