FRANCE - Countdown to FR-1777777

hello :slight_smile:
rigolo ce suivi !
j’ai pioché il y a qq jours le FR-1562168 à destination des USA

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Pour ma part je viens de tirer FR-1564860, il semble que l’on ait le temps avant FR-161616 :blush:

Soit dit en passant, FR-161616 est très chouette :smile:

Today I received:

-Official cards travelling to: :fr: 342 days, Expired :frowning: , :ru: 335 days, 319 days, 226 days, ,67 days, Expired :frowning: ,45 days, 24 days, 22 days, 14 days, 5 days and today, :uk: 330 days, Expired :frowning: , :belarus: 279 days Expired :frowning: , :hong_kong: 209 days Expired :frowning: and 37 days, :it: 85 days, Expired :frowning: :taiwan: 83 days Expired :frowning: and 21 days, :south_africa: 35 days, :malaysia: 34 days,:india:, :finland: 23 days, :us: 19 days, 7 days, 6 days and today, :bulgaria: 14 days and :poland: 5 days.

-Last 10 received: :finland: , :ireland:, :jp:, :us:, :us:, :ru: , :us:, :ireland:, :us: and :fr:

This week I got:

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le 10/03, j’ai pioché le FR-1600633 (destination allemagne)

arrived on April 19th.

-Official cards travelling to: :belarus: 333 days Expired :frowning: , :hong_kong: 264 days and 92 days Expired :frowning: , :taiwan: 138 days Expired :frowning: and 16 days, :south_africa: 89 daysExpired :frowning: , :malaysia: 88 days Expired :frowning: , :india: 78 days, Expired :frowning: and 8 days, :us: 73 days Expired :frowning: and 15 days, :ru: 59 days, 18 days and 8 days, :czech_republic: 32 days, :cn: 20 days, :jp: 10 days and :fr: 8 days.

-Last 10 received: :finland:, :ru:, :ru:, :indonesia:, :netherlands:, :netherlands:, :fr:, :luxembourg:, :austria: and :finland:.

-Last official Thank you card from Bendoodle (US)


Prochain objectif ! FR-1666666



-Official cards travelling to: :hong_kong: 352 days and 181 days Expired :frowning: , :south_africa: 178 daysExpired :frowning: , :malaysia: 177 days Expired :frowning: , :india: 167 days, Expired :frowning: , :us: 162 days Expired :frowning: and 10 days, :ru: 148 days Expired :frowning: ,26 days and 2 days , :norway: 66 days, Expired :frowning: :netherlands: 66 days Expired :frowning: and 1 day , :cn: 38 days, :taiwan: 27 days, :belarus: 6 days, :canada:, :greece: 5 days, :singapore: 3 days, :switzerland: 2 days, :es: 1 day, :slovenia: and :finland: today.

-Last 10 received: :us:, :czech_republic:, :cn:, :ru:, :cn:, :it:, :us:, :us:, :uk: and :fr:.

-Last official Thank you card from Bendoodle (US)

arrived yesterday.

je vins de piocher FR-1641485 à destination des USA

Yesterday I received:

-Official cards travelling to: :hong_kong: 248 days Expired :frowning: , :south_africa: 245 days Expired :frowning: , :malaysia: 244 days Expired :frowning: , :india: 234 days, Expired :frowning: and 50 days, :us: 229 days Expired :frowning: , :netherlands: 133 days Expired :frowning: and 6 days, :cn: 104 days, Expired :frowning: , :belarus:73 days Expired :frowning: and 3 days, :jp: 55 days, :united_arab_emirates:, :ru: 15 days and :australia: 3 days.

-Last 10 received: :us:, :ru:, :netherlands:, :slovenia: , :us:, :us:, :jp:, :us:, :cn: and :fr:.

FR-1702702 is off 3,674 miles to Montreal, Canada :canada: