Feedback on profile texts

Thank you very much I’m off to do that now.

Hello all!
I’m pretty new to postcrossing and was hoping to get some feedback on my profile. Is it too much? No enough? Is it weird that it’s for a couple?

Wellcome to Postcrossing Steph and Ben!

For me your profile is a bit mixed up, the content is fine. It’s more how you placed it.
Maybe one paragraph for each of you and of course one about you toghether, because there’s nothing weird in using postcrossing as couple.

And I would add a space after the - in your list.

I think it is fine. Just friendly and written very well. But I do not understand the sentence “We register day of.” Day of what? And I wonder if you are going to marry in a ghost costume or with a pumpkin mask.

Hi everyone,
I’ve been on postcrossing for a few months now and decided it was a good time to adjust my profile. Would love any feedback you have!

To me it is just fine. Perhaps you could mention more hobbies if you have them.

It’'s friendly and not overwhelming, because it’s short (but with all necessary information)
For me it’s fine :+1:

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Hello everyone, I am new to postcrossing and would like some feedback on my profile. I am still unsure what the proper etiquette is for both profiles and the forum. I’ve been reading through some forum posts to get a feeling for what this community is like and have already learned a lot and hope that I am not missing something essential. :grin:


Hi Laura, welcome to the Postcrossing community! :smiley: Your profile is great - it’s likable, well structured, and tells enough about you for choosing a matching card. :wink:


I like your profile, for you tell about you and your hobbys and as it comes to card wishes you are far from being demanding! Very good! :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:


Hello, nothing wrong with your profile.
It’s friendly, it tells a bit about yourself and about what you like and it isn’t demanding at all.
So perfect for me :slight_smile:

So tonight I was fixing my profile a little bit, and since I hit the 3000/3000 characters, I believe I need a feedback :sweat_smile: so please feel free to check it and let me know what you think.
Oh, and please let me know if there are grammar mistakes!
Thanks a lot! :heart:

Hi Laura, I really like your profile! It’s nice and short, tells me about who you are as a person, gives a clear overview of the kind of postcards you would be especially happy with, and gives some tips on topics to write about on the postcard. I hope you enjoy Postcrossing! :slight_smile:

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Hi Elisabetta, I really enjoyed reading your profile! :slight_smile: I like that you list your job, pets, and hobbies at the beginning of the profile, so people immediately know what kind of things you enjoy. It indeed seems a little bit long, though. I can imagine that people who are less proficient in English will find it difficult to read and find the place where you list your preferences, for example.

Some ideas to make it a bit shorter:

  • Writing about the repeated countries in one sentence, plus the link, instead of a whole paragraph.
  • The paragraph that feels most difficult to read (as viewed from a not-so-proficient English speaker) is the one about your postcard preferences. I think you can leave out the comment about why you haven’t favourited any received cards. I also feel like you state twice in that paragraph that you will be happy with any postcard, so perhaps you could change that to once.

I think this would already help, but overall I already think this is a wonderful profile! :slight_smile:


I would also like to receive on my profile. I recently started Postcrossing again and I’ve changed my profile quite a bit.

I’m worried that perhaps I have too much information about all my different hobbies? Is there any information that is redundant? Or any important information that is missing? Is it easy to figure out what kind of postcard to send me? Not too demanding?

Would love to hear your feedback!


It is a very nice profile, but you should keep it shorter, so I aggree to AwakeMySoul. For example it is not necessary to mention all the names of your cats or to express multiple times, that you cherish every card that you get! It is also not really necessary to express why you do or don’t favourite cards.

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For me, your profile is good, nicely written and enough information about you. :slight_smile:
The little emojis give it a nice touch, and eaaier to get the content of a paragraph.

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I like your profile. It is very well structured an clear, but the term researcher is not so clear. Are you a scientist at a university or do you do opinion polls on the telephone? I’d like to have more information on this point.

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Thanks Ralf, I will change that part!

i disagree. i think it’s very important to tell me the names of all your pets. tell me everything about them.