Extremely long travel times

Quite an achievement to have a card journey so close to one year.

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What’s the biggest delay you’ve ever had in receiving an official postcrossing postcards or mail and general?

I came across this video this morning the postcard was travelling for 100 years lol :joy:


305 days for an official PC card to Belgium :belgium:

1 1/2 years for a swap card from India :india:


I’ve seen someone from my country who sent a postcard on Postcard United that took 1252 days to arrive :new_moon_with_face:


That’s mad in all fairness now.


If we’re talking mail in general (not Postcrossing), I received a Christmas card from 1995 last December in 2021. It was delayed because a lot of mail got stuck behind the wall in our mailbox center in our apartment lobby. Some postal person discovered a pile of mail behind the wall and began sorting it and delivering it. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what happens with “lost” postcards from Postcrossers. The postcards inadvertently get stuck someplace, like behind a wall, or in the wrong mailing bin, or it gets misdelivered to the wrong address or building.


Oh wow, this is … strange? Weird? I can’t even find the right word for it.

It would be interesting to know what had happened to that card :sweat_smile:


That card went to Canada actually, I can’t think of a better reason of how it got delayed for so long, except for a halt on the Malaysian side

Another card that person sent took 1282 days, to India :face_in_clouds:

The sender doesn’t explain about what happened to the card in her post, so I guess the receiver also has no idea about it

What is strange is that these two postcards were sent before the pandemic, so we can’t blame that :sweat_smile:

Oh yeah, both of these cards were registered last week


It’s interesting (if “interesting” is the right word) to see the travelling times. I sent my first three cards on 17 October, which is 30 days ago now, and they have still not arrived. That’s a bit frustrating and disappointing, but having seen some of the other long travelling times, I suppose I just have to be patient now - 30 days doesn’t seem so very long after all.


Another 11 days and this one wouldn’t have reached me in time to be registered!

And this took the second longest travelling time to reach me:

The two longest that I sent were a similar sort of time to the above, but they were both registered by Postcrossing when they closed the accounts.


I wouldn’t be surprised if some cards get thrown out from being mixed in with junk mail, no matter how diligent the Postcrosser.


I think that’s definitely a possibility.


I will say at the post office where I work we individually sort all of mail, including the totes full of ad mail, to make sure we don’t miss anything! But I can’t speak for all post offices


Is anyone else experiencing really slow mail service
I am beginning to wonder if my mailperson isnt delivering them…
Never experienced this before…


Not having much domestic issue, but international … yes!


I’m cutrently having an unusually high travelling time with a postcard to a neighbouring country (Germany) - now being at 37 days :sob: My average travel time regarding my sent postcards to Germany is 4 days.
Also I’m a bit ennoyed by the pressure to catch up - so that my sent-received-balance is even.
I’m now mostly inactive though


Relieved to hear that considerable mail delays are not unusual. I was beginning to think my mailman was tossing them in the trash. There is one lot in particular that I mailed in the same stack that is taking forever…approaching 60 days now. Which is weird since they all went to different countries, including my own. I guess I’ll just keep sitting here twiddling my thumbs :smile:


1/3 cards is not arriving. (40+/90+/200+ days)

I’m not sure where exactly to post this, please share if it’s the wrong place.

1 of 3 postcards is not arriving. I send from the Netherlands: 2x Russia 2- Germany, 2x USA and Finland and Taiwan.
I’ve send to all of these countries before successfully. I have no mail issues with other packages and mail.

I understand that not every card will arrive. But these odds seem a bit to much. I’ve send a little over 20 cards and I like postcrossing but if that means that 1/3 is not arriving that’s not very motivating.


Hello @Jerha ,

I moved your post to this topic.
If it’s not posted in the correct topic, don’t hesitate to let me know.


What are the travel times?
Some parts of Germany are slower than normal nowadays.

You can also check if the member have been online.
If they have, and the travel time is much longer than normal, you can ask them if they got your card, maybe describe it, if they get lots of cards. Sometimes members forget.
Also, did you use enough postage?
Is the address written with a pen that doesn’t smudge easily? If glued, does it stay?

But, in general, I think it won’t be 1/3 not arriving in normal situation.