Extremely long travel times

I joined in April as well. Postcrossing is definitely a lesson in patience!

To pass the time, and to send/receive more cards, I’ve been doing a lot of forum tags. It is nice because you can choose what tags you participate in and also who you send to. I’ve received 11 cards through tags recently… contrasted to the 3 official ones I’ve received.


So far 3 weeks from US to Germany. I remember when they used to arrive in just 9 or 10 days


You can see it from the Hurray! message; if it’s the receiver, they usually write a short thank you, if by the team, the message says something like “Hello, this card was registered by postcrossing team” and the reason (moving/ending account/member needed help).


328 days from Türkiye to China :blush:


Also, sender accidentally puts card back in a stack of blanks and finds it a week later, unmailed. Eek!! :woman_facepalming:t3::laughing: (I did this recently)

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I recently received a few postcards from the US and they did take only a week! I was so surprised, last time US mail was this quick was YEARS ago! What is funny though, is that my postcards to the US are still taking at least 3 weeks, somethimes much more.


I had 15 cards continuously going. I would send one out within an hour or two of receiving one. I stopped. I’ve been so disappointed in the mail system here that I only have three cards out at the moment and frankly…They should have been registered a long time ago! I’m so down over it. I don’t know how to get back in the swing of it. It has never taken this long for people to receive my cards. Something needs to be done about it. :pensive:. Our postal system seems to have lost its way. I know we are lucky in comparison to some but I still miss what used to be.


I had a 10 day card to Czech Republic recently, but otherwise three weeks coming and going.

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Right now, I have two expired cards: one to South Africa with its notorious postal system, and a domestic card which I suspect is an issue with the person. One NL card I assume is not going to arrive, so a re-send; one domestic card over 30 days where they’re registering other cards; an Austrian card where I can’t be sure whether it’s postal or member-specific. My other 19 traveling cards are within what I consider ‘normal’ travel time still.


I was happily sending a card every few days, keeping my travelling full… and now this:

I wonder if I feel up to sending a second for some, or something, I feel cheated by the postal system…


I’ve had 36 days as my longest

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Only send a second card if they seem to be actively registering other timely cards, but not yours. Interesting to see someone else with a few NL issues, too.

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This are my sent cards, it’s like only Germany is reaching destination, and now that all the German cards reached destination, the others don’t


I was in Italy for vacation in February/March and was surprised, how fast the cards traveled to Germany, only 1-2 weeks! Last year, every card took several months to be received, Germany and all other countries (only the card to Japan was really fast) :sweat_smile:
So, yeah, the postal service Italy - Germany is working. Maybe, Poste Italiane is improving it’s system and cards to other countries will be fast soon too? :slight_smile:


On 8 April I sent a card to myself from my family’s home (visiting for illness/emergency).

I received the card on 14 May. 5 hours away by car and adjoining US states, but it still took nearly 6 weeks to arrive.

Meanwhile, the same day I received this card, I received one from China sent on 20 April!


I am new here, so was very anxious dor my cards to be received. I had one going from Virginia to California took over 3 weeks!

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I have a card that recently expired. I asked the recipient if they wanted a photo since I took images of the front and back of the card…but still not have received a message back. How do I request a new address?

A slot is automatically opened up. Request as usual.


I have just received a card from China which took 1 year and 2 months to arrive! Another one from Zambia have been travelling for 9 months.


Sometimes members do not respond when they get a message about a card that has not yet arrived and is expired. That happened to me- a card I sent to Germany in December. She appeared to be active but now has not logged on the Postcrossing in over two months, so it is indeed a mystery. I messaged her after 90 days but have never heard back. Sometimes it is impossible to know what happens, perhaps a tragedy in health, work, or family, or who knows what.

I did experience a card I sent to China in January finally was registered this week. The recipient said all their mail had been sent to the wrong part of the university, or something like that.

After a card you send expires (60 days), it opens up a new slot to draw a new recipient. There is a drop down menu on your main profile, in the upper left, that says Postcards, and the send a postcard option is in that drop down menu. Perhaps these links will help?