Extremely long travel times

Yes, they have registered other cards sent after mine, but not from Japan.


I am not very patient wIting to be able to send more. What happens if they dont get the post cards? Will i still be able to send more?

If a card isn’t registered within 60 days, it’s automatically marked as expired, allowing you to request a new address. Even though they’re expired, these cards can still be registered for up to a year.


One took 194 days. It came from Russia. This was summer 2023. It arrived in December 2023. Probably obvious reasons.


It can be annoying if someone asks after a week, and then again after two weeks.

Asking in general then is ok, and not rude, and when members often say how this is about communication to them, not collecting, of course asking is perfectly fine, it is even advised when do so (in help and f.a.q):

" If a long time has passed (ie: more than a month) since the date in which you’ve mailed your card, you may try to contact the recipient through private message to ask whether the postcard has arrived (the ID might be blurred, illegible, etc.). "

But of course if you check normal travel times between yours and receiving country, and it seems to be over month even normally, then maybe wait a little more.


I noticed mail times for me have started to be longer again, albeit part of that is bc they opened a new distribution center in Atlanta that’s quite chaotic right now and mail is behind.

And sometimes the cards do get lost, unfortunately.

But definitely give it a bit longer, and while you wait, join the forum and do the tags and round robins. That’s where the majority of my cards come from.


It’s a good point that perhaps the registration ID got blurred. I will perhaps just wait until they expire to contact the recipient.

That’s sound advice. I’ve been sending postcards to some of the schools in the education section, since they have very specific postcard needs and questions. When does the amount of cards you can send formally go up? I’m up to 6 at the moment.

Here’s the info you’re after x


Thanks @EmmaG :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The maximum anyone can have travelling is 100 at a time for those who have got loads sent.

This may have changed but as far as I’m aware the maximum is 100 travelling.


Yes, it still is and you get your 100th slot, when 4550 of your sent cards were registered.


More than 158 days for me to China and 152 for Russia. Generally Russia takes 60-90 days or more. While even USA was for a long time in 90+ days group for me, recently some postcards have reached within 45-50 days.

Added : Fastest is Germany even faster than inland mails :sweat_smile: shortest travel time has been 5 days!! Others reach within 40 days.


353 days to someone in Belarus. Their account has since been closed, but I don’t know if the travel time has anything to do with that.

I was very surprised that this one eventually arrived. I thought for sure it was lost!

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Did that card actually arrive to be registered? Or, was it registered by the system when the account was closed?


I just started last month and only 2 have been received. One to US (my location) hasn’t been received in 21 days. Need patience I guess

Domestic cards can sometimes take two weeks or more. Most are within a week, but things happen like vacations, illness, etc.

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I’m not sure if it was registered by the individual. This is the information I have (I’ve left out the postcard ID number, in case that gives too much information):

In this case, it was registered by the Postcrossing system, rather than reflecting an actual travel time.