[ENGLISH] — Visitor's corner

I visited the Restauradores post office few days ago. My first visit was at ~9 a.m., but the philatelistic office was empty. The other clerk told me that Mrs Sousa will be since 1 p. m. - and she was there. She was so nice that she hand cancelled my postcard with some special rubber stamp.

I asked for some sheets - Europa ones and some special. She told me that she has just 10pcs 2023 Europa stamp (it was the Azores Island issue). However, it was not such big deal for me, because I ordered some stamps in advance on CTT.pt web shop (within EU it was fast and for bigger orders (~30EUR?) there was no surcharge). I ordered beautiful Europa 2022 and 2021 minisheets, some Harry Potter stamps. See here: CTT , CTT , CTT

But there is one problem - the tariffs changed and low value stamps cannot be ordered there. So - where to get some lower values stamps? There is a post office at the airport - they have 0,02EUR and 0,05EUR stamps. On Restauradores office I got 0,10EUR and 0,20EUR.

There is other opportunity for buying stamps - in the vending machine. I bought one - just for curiosity - and I got one with 125 years of the Lisboa Oceanium design.

Hope this helps.

Enjoy your trip!


Sorry for the late reply, I’m still recovering from the holidays. :crazy_face:

There’s no official website for that. There are some blogs about it, from collectors.

There are 4 post offices with all the official rubber stamps issued:

Praça dos Restauradores, 58
1250-998 LISBOA

Palácio dos Correios
Praça da Trindade, 32
1250-999 PORTO

Av. Zarco, 9
9000-999 FUNCHAL
(Madeira Island)

Antero de Quental
R. Agostinho Pacheco, 16
(Azores islands)

However, there are some collections that have the rubber stamps at their CTT post offices. In this page you can see all the stamps issued: Plano de Emissões

If you click “download da pagela”, in that document you have the addresses where they have the rubber stamps for that collection.

All these official rubber stamps must be on those addresses for 6 months after the date of release.

Besides the official rubber stamps, there are special rubber stamps issued for events. These stamps are available only one month after the date of issue at the post offices near the event.

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Are there any postcrossers living in Madeira? :slight_smile:

Hello Everyone

I moved to Porto from India in May and will be here until March 2024. I have couple of questions because I am pretty much lost.
I have provided the background of the question so that it helps the person answering the question - why am I asking it and why am I lost. It is not that I am comparing the Postal Services.

  1. I have been buying postcards at the local souvenir shops. Most of the shops have repeated postcard designs and they are typically about Porto/Duoro. I would like to know if there are better places to buy Postcards?
    (Background of the question: In India we have Postcards by the Postal Dept of India and can be purchased from the Philately Counter at the biggest Post Office of that city. They have bigger scope of images and are also cheaper compared to other vendors.)

  2. How do I buy choose and buy official stamps in Porto?
    Does CTT have an online website?
    I found this website while searching https://www.ctt.pt/femce/category.jspx?shopCode=LOJV&categoryCode=3002&request_locale=en
    Any reviews/suggestions?
    (Background of the question: In India we have this website https://www.epostoffice.gov.in/ which is in English and there is wide variety of Indian Stamps.)

  3. What is the stamp value that needs to be affixed?
    Every time (three times) I went (Google Maps) they took my multiple postcards, searched something on their computer and told me the final amount. They posted it for me. I did not see the kind of stamps that were affixed. I did not dare to ask individual amount because I did not want to appear distrustful. Also, there was a slight language barrier.
    (Background of the question: In India we have fix and simple tariff - within India 6rs; for Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan it is 10rs, and for all the other countries it is 15rs.
    Typically I buy in bulk the different postcards when I visit the Philately counter, order online the stamps, affix and then, post it. I do not have to wait in the queue or ask anything to anyone at the Post Office.)

Thank you :slight_smile:

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welcome! :slight_smile:

In Porto area you have the majority of the shops at Ribeira area, near the river. In this thread you have tips about shops: Onde comprar postais em PORTUGAL (wiki) - #54 by Lilianasilva1997

In Portugal there’s no “just postcards shops” so what you find is mostly touristic cards, you may find a few with animals, tiles, costumes, football stadiums…

The philatelic office in Porto is:

Palácio dos Correios
Praça da Trindade, 32
1250-999 PORTO

Their online site makes you buy entire series. You can try to order the exact stamps you wish by email filatelia@ctt.pt

In this thread Tarifas de correio para postais - BRASIL & PORTUGAL 2023 (wiki) you have the prices for Brasil and Portugal.

Inside Portugal it costs € 0,61 to send a postcard, € 1,05 to Europe (Russia included ) and € 1,15 to the rest of the world. If you are sending to these countries Guiné-Bissau, S. Tomé e Principe, Timor Leste the price is € 1,10.

Above all: don’t buy stamps on local souvenir shops, unless they are from CTT, those private post offices companies are not reliable. And you can’t use those stamps on CTT service.


Bom dia!

Jumping in on this thread as I’ll be visiting Madeira and Northern Portugal soon - thank you for all of those who have already provided info in this thread, it is very helpful!

Beautiful stamps are important to me when I send postcards so I’d like to buy stamps in advance on the CTT website for the cards I’ll be mailing during my trip (since so far when travelling I have found it difficult to find stamps I like by just showing up to a post office). I have already found some I like on the website. A few (perhaps really dumb) questions I have:

  • Do the prices in the wiki apply to postcards sent from Madeira as well? I would assume so since it doesn’t say anywhere that it is only for mainland Portugal, but want to double check!
  • Stamps purchased in the “filatelia e colecionismo” section of the CTT website can be used to send mail right? Realize that’s a bit of a dumb question, but again really want to double check!
  • Is it an issue if the total value of the stamps I affix exceed the required cost? It seems kind of difficult to reach 1.05 or 1.15 exactly and I’m willing to “waste money” with a combo that’s more like 1.20 or something like that. I know it’s not a problem in Canada, but I don’t want to assume for other countries.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions! If you have any favourite stamps to suggest I am also all ears :slight_smile:

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Welcome! :slight_smile:

Yes, Madeira and Açores islands have the same prices and all stamps can be used in the whole territory - islands and mainland. :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s the same stamps you can buy at the post offices shops (although in the shops usually they only have basic sticker stamps, not the pretty ones). Another difference is that on the site you have to buy complete series. And since all series have a lot of stamps with fares that aren’t usually used, maybe the best would be order by the email I mentionned filatelia@ctt.com, I’m not sure they speak English. And contact them in advance, they are VERY slow…

No, they will thank you! :grin:

There are a lot of stamps with those prices and if you order by email, you can choose stamps with lower fares to combine with older stamps with other prices.

I’m very picky with stamps, I’m totally old school and hate most of the issues from the past years, specially the ones with photos.

Monday was released this series: CTT I don’t like the spider but the butterfly and the snail are cute.

From last year, if you like Lord of the Rings: CTT and this about hunting (I hate hunting but I like the animals) CTT (for these stamps you’ll need to buy extra small stamps to complete the prices)

You can see the stamps on that site but only until 2020, by email they can tell you the other stamps they still have in stock https://www.ctt.pt/particulares/filatelia/plano-emissoes/

Good luck! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate you taking the time :blush:

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Hello @Geminiscp

I appreciate your quick reply :slight_smile:

I am yet to check the CTT office at this place because they are close on weekends and on weekdays, though the timing is written as 20:00hr I noticed that they were closed at 18:15hr on Friday. There were people inside but the door was not opening.

This helps!

I have checked all the three shops of Prometeu, and the SOL Artesanto at Ribeira. But most of the postcards I find are related to Porto or Duoro. have purchased one of each design from these 4 shops.
I am going to be lookout for more Postcards.

Have a wonderful day ahead!

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Boa tarde!

I am on holiday in Madeira and just came back from the post office to buy stamps. The clerk only spoke Portuguese and even though I speak some Portuguese I think I left with more questions than I came in with :joy: I was hoping that someone could help me confirm that I understood everything right! In the below photo I was told that both sets of stamps at the bottom can be used for international mail. I know the 1.15€ stamps are for sure, but what about the I20g? And I was told the top one was for Europe, but I’m used to seeing the 1.05€ stamps and I’d like to make sure E20g is indeed equivalent!

On a related note, I did not dare ask in Portuguese, but when sending a maxicard, does the value of the stamp on the maxicard count when adding up cost of stamps (so lets say a maxicard with an 0.80€ stamp would only need an extra 0.35€ for international mail), or would I need an international stamp?

Thank you so much for your help and patience with my questions, I just really want my cards to reach their destination :blush::crossed_fingers:

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the E’s are the same as the 1.05 ones, and are for Europe.

the I’s are the same as 1.15, and are for China, USA.


Hello. I hope that this is the right place for my query. I posted this in the stamps swap thread but got no appropriate offers

I have a lot of Portuguese stamps that I will not use, maybe more than EUR 20 worth. So I want to swap them for stamps for postage of countries I will use. These include Switzerland, Belgium, Czechia, France and many others. I live in Japan so I would welcome Japan as well as many other Asian countries. Please contact me if anyone is interested.

Hello! Does someone have a portuguese TAG but not only from-to Portugal?
I’d like to do a TAG in Portuguese from Spain!

Thanks you,
Beltrán Alvar.

Our tag is for Portuguese writing, not just inside the country. Everyone is welcomed. However, the tag is not very active.

I’d love a tag PT-ES but I’m afraid it would be even slower than this one… :frowning:


Thank you! I will participate in it. I made one for you all, I hope it is more active than the other tag :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone!
I am going to visit Portugal. I am wondering how much is the current price to send a postcard to Europe and Outside Europe?
Is there any small value stamps to make up the difference?

thank you

Hello! :slight_smile:

Europe (Russia included) 1,20 €
Guiné-Bissau, S. Tomé e Principe, Timor Leste 1,24 €
Rest of the World 1,30 €

Yes, but they are very difficult to find…

Important: do NOT use the stamps that are sold in tourist shops, they are not reliable. Buy CTT stamps only.

The shop with longest opening hours is situated near the historic center and has a philatelic shop (counter #2, you don’t need a ticket to buy Philately):

Loja CTT Restauradores (Lisboa)
1250-998 LISBOA

Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 21:00

Have fun!

Hello Paula @Geminiscp thank you for your reply.
I am going Porto this time.
Is there any suggestions where i can find the small value stamps? do you think post office selling it?
Where is the philately post office in Porto?


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Sorry, people from Lisbon are “Lisboncentric”! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In Porto, their main central is this one, also in their historic center:

Loja CTT Palácio dos Correios
4000-999 PORTO

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

They should have the small value stamps but it’s not sure, they are hard to find.

They also have a philatelic shop but I don’t know how it works there, if they have a special counter for that.

In Porto, the best place to buy postcards is near “Ribeira”, near the river.

If you can, consider visit this collection store, it’s unique in Portugal and it’s a real delight for postcards-maniacs: https://collectus.pt/

A warning: it’s very difficult to find street mailboxes from CTT in Porto (I don’t know why but it’s the city where I find the less mailboxes in Portugal). You can put the mail in their stations or nearby that one, there’s a cute mailbox with a statue dedicated to men who used to sell newspapers, in the end of Avenida dos Aliados, when you are descending towards the river. :slight_smile:

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Hello! I am traveling on a cruise ship and will be visiting Ponta Delgada on São Miguel on Sunday and then Lisboa on Tuesday.

I know that I will be able to easily purchase stamps in Lisboa on Tuesday, but in Ponta Delgada, I know the post office will be closed. I’ve learned that some CTT locations have stamping vending machines outside to use when the Post Office is closed. Is this true?

Will it be possible for me to purchase stamps in Ponta Delgada at all?

My subsequent question is to ask if there is a particular post office in Lisboa that will have the best selection of postage stamps for purchase. (I am planning to visit the Communications Museum!). I saw the recommendation for the #2 philately window; is this still correct?