[EN] English corner

Maybe @delenn_mir can help? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I will need to think about your questions and will try to answer them more in detail tomorrow :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, some quick thoughts:

  • if you only have 4 days and want to cover the entire route, I would recommend a car, as it seems to me that you would spend days only on travelling and wouldn’t have time for any sightseeing if using only public transport; unfortunately I don’t have a car so I don’t have any brilliant insights to offer - it is possible to rent a car in Poland (I think there is a rental place at Kraków’s main railway station, for example) but not sure if you would be able to rent one at the border - so at least the Brest-Warsaw route should be done by public transport
  • using a Belarussian phone would be very expensive, I think - at least it would be the other way around, using a Polish phone in Belarus, so probably the reverse is also true; I would recommend a local SIM
  • I use booking.com and my friends also often use airbnb, so nothing local :grin:
  • you can buy tickets inside the bus or train but they can be more expensive (certainly train) than buying at the bus/railway station or via website/app
  • as far as I know, there is no way you can just buy one thing and use it for all modes of transport - the buses and trains are run by different companies and while some may offer joint tickets, you usually have to buy directly from them
  • stamps can only be bought at post offices - international stamp (to anywhere) is 8 PLN; normal postoffices have a very limited selection and don’t offer any special cancellations - ones which are not first day of issue cancellations are rather rare; there was a link with addresses of post offices who offer philatelic selection of stamps, I’ll look for it

I know there are several postcrossers from Belarus who now live in Poland, maybe @PVLMNLV could also offer some guidance/thoughts?


thank you so much for all your thoughts! I really appreciate your help! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Добрый день землякам! По поводу симок и связи, купите на первом вокзале карту оранж, загрузите приложение оранж флекс, будет 5 гб интернета и безлимит звонков по Европе, плюс все социальные сети анлим, поэтому трафик расходуется мало. Самый дешёвый тариф вроде 30 злотых

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Спасибо землякам!! Ещё вопрос по ходу пришёл (обдумываю средства перемещения) какие способы вызвать такси есть: какие приложения-операторы выгоднее использовать? Может знаете :sweat_smile:

Да как и везде, убер, болт

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Hi everybody,
I’m Özge from Turkey but living in Poland. I’ve so many international friends here but not native Polish friends. I’m an old postcrosser I had a break but finally I’m back. If you’re interested I’d like to meet with you. I’m in Krakow and we can talk about postcrossing and write, send postcards together.
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Thanks for reading
Do widzenia :slight_smile:


Nothing much happening here in the Polish group on the Forum. You’re more likely to meet some Polish postcrossers on the Facebook page POSTCROSSING POLAND Redirecting...
Maybe you’d like to come to Warsaw for the Meet-Up on 26 August?


Dzień doby!
My husband bought me these postcards which have printed stamps on them but they are for sending within Poland. Is it okay if I put more stamps for international shipping on the other side? There is hardly any place for them at the front

Yes, that’s how I used them previously in the past - I put the additional postage on the backside. I also sometimes added a note “additional postage on the back” with an arrow → to point more clearly.

I use these postcards very rarely - it’s a bit inconvenient for Postcrossing, as the address and picture are on the same side - but I seem to recall the ones I sent all arrived without issue.

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I am looking for this stamp and this postmark together:

and this stamp with a matching envelope/postcard:

Maybe someone has something from my list above and would like to swap?)

Please send a PM and I will show my swap album)

I got some unwritten Polish postcards from my friend few years ago and I’d love them to be sent from origin country.
If anyone who would love to WBMP and is willing to help, please kindly pm me. I can show you my offer album, stamps, stickers, etc. Any requests, please let me know.:blush:

Hello from Japan!

I know the postage to send a package from Poland to Japan is so very expensive, but I would like to ask anyway.

I would love to receive a package of gingerbread with rose jam filling, which I have never tasted yet. I would love to share it with my beloved family.

In return, I can send you a package with anything that I can seem to find at any stores, but not online or not anime or manga related please. I can send you via Airmail and via registered mail.

For examples :

Japanese mt brand washi tape rolls, a bag of organic Matcha / green tea chocolate pieces, Matcha greentea flavoured KitKat (sweets), a bar of apple chocolate, a bar of blueberry chocolate, a bar of melon chocolate, Japanese greentea / teabags, Japanese roasted rice tea / teabags, Japanese stationeries like letter sets and stickers, Japanese rice crackers (savoury), Japanese patterned fabrics, a box of Karel Capek teabags, etc. etc.

If we can seem to swap, please message me with your preferences anytime.

Thank you so much in advance!

Edited to add :

Still looking for a swap partner. :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me here? I received this postcard from Poland, and this is where a stamp would normally be. There was no other type of stamp on the postcard.

I know some countries have moved to using codes so, is this a valid code for Poland?

(If there’s somewhere else on the forum that I should be asking this, please point me in the right direction.)

There is an urban legend that if one uses code STS (student to student), one can send postcards for free. There is no such agreement anywhere, but if you google it, many people have tried it (and other codes). Sometimes the cards get through, sometimes they don’t. Postcards do not usually have a return address, so mail services may throw them away, deliver them or ask recipient to pay for the missing postage.

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There are no codes in Poland, we only have stamps or the post office can add a postmark which says something like “postage paid”, but this is not it.

Basically, this postcard seems to have no postage at all.


Okay. I’m going to get in touch with the team before registering this. Thanks both for your help. @delenn_mir


Just as an update - I did contact the team and was advised NOT to register the postcard. The person who sent it has done this before and been asked by the team to use stamps. But it seems they prefer to continue not to. I was contacted a second time by the team to say that they’ve advised the person to send a second postcard using a stamp to everyone in their travelling list. Hopefully they will, and I will of course register that one when it comes.

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Dzień dobry,

Hello hello lovely polish people. I hope you’re doing well. Im writing this to find a penpal and be friend in Poland. I’ve such a long story in Poland. I’m from Turkey and I live in Kraków currently.
If you are interested to be my penpal. I’d love to get to know you!
Please, feel free to send me PM.

Have a good day.
Happy Postcrossing! :hugs:

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I moved your post to here, because this is the only topic where it is allowed to talk in English in the Polish - Polski.