[EN] English corner

Hello Alena!
I can exchange cards, different themes. If you are interested in, drop me PM.

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Hi, thank you for creating this English corner. I would be interested in both sending cards for swaps and keeping in touch about Polish culture. Have a great day and let me know if anyone would like a postcard.

Hello everyone! Thanks for creating an English corner for those of us who don’t speak this wonderful language that is Polish. I was wondering if somebody could help me translating around four simple sentences from English into Polish. Since I, myself, am a professional translator-interpreter and, even though Google Translate can sometimes do a good job, I don’t rely on such technologies, so I kindly ask you for your help, please.
PM if you can do this for me :blush:, it’s for a good cause.
Thank you all!!!

sure no problem, send the text

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Hi guys,at the moment I stay in Kracowa,where is the best place to find postcards? Maybe more choice than in the souvenir shops
Please p.m. me,thank you!

Galeria Lue Lue - Miodowa street - not the cheapest but lovely vintage postcards!

Dobry dzien! :slight_smile:

A simple questions, I guess.

Can you tell me how much it costs to send a postcard from Poland to Germany?

I will travel to Poland in April and am already looking forward to it. First time in Poland (except of a stopover in Warsaw), although I have roots in Silesia. :slight_smile:

Wielki dzieki! :slight_smile:

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Hi, it’s 8 PLN

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Thanks for your reply.

This is expensive! But okay, I already payid more in other countries. We have an expensive hobby. :frowning:

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I started banknotes collection
Who want to swap banknotes (request) with postcards, coins of Algeria (offer) ?

Hello everyone, I have made a proposal for a round robin to exchange postcards with the special stamps of solidarity with Ukraine!

Please vote here https://community.postcrossing.com/t/suggest-and-vote-on-new-round-robins/140/157?u=s0nata if you would like to participate in such stamp exchange!

Hello again, the round robin for exchanging the postcards with the special stamp of solidarity with Ukraine has started! Please join us here if you are interested!

Hi everybody! I will be going to Poland at the end of this month, and would like to ask something beforehand. I find it hard to navigate the Poczta Polska website as I don’t speak Polish, google translate also isn’t very helpful. can anybody tell me the price of a stamp if I want to send postcards to places outside of Poland?

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I think it is going to be 8 zƂ


Like @Bohun said, the price of a stamp for a postcard abroad is 8 PLN (zloty), to every destination.


Hi! I messaged you directly, asking to join your next project for your mom’s birthday but I wanted to leave a comment, too - maybe someone else would join seeing a new activity <3

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Dear @anon64662543, Thank you for writing this post.
Dear @geosmin_petrichor, though I am not Polish and not live in Poland I would love to join. I have great affection for Polish culture and will try to write as much about it as I can for you and your mum. Please let me know if you would like that. With kindest regards, Eugenia


@anon64662543 @eugeniarussell

Big thanks to both of you for your kindness.
Her birthday is in July. There is a bit time left. I will start a post for this again. And I might probably make it a swap thing. In that case, hopefully people will join, and I can offer a few postcards in return.:heartpulse::blush:

However, it would be an honour to receive mail from you.

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I’ll keep my eye out for your next post then! :heartpulse:

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Hello everyone.

You have been all so wonderful and I hope you are doing well. :hugs:
Maybe some of you remember about my last post. My mom is a cancer survivor (twice) and struggled a lot in life. She has not been to Polska for more than 2 decades and she misses it. We have no car and travelling by train is too expensive for us. Here you can read the whole story.

Last year on her birthday she fractured her wrist. That was a real shock to us both and the first time in decades that I saw her devastated and nearly crying (she is pretty resilient). (Back then I was not a postcrosser yet.). Everything is fine know, she got internal fixation and the fracture healed. :relieved:

My mom’s birthday is on the 2nd of July. On 1st of July she has name day (in Polska; her name is Halina). I offer different kinds of postcards in exchange for postcards from Polska with birthday wishes to her.

View cards from Polska would be best, doesn’t matter if single or multi-view! Of course, you can also send birthday postcards, postcards with flowers or animals if you don’t have any view cards. It would be wonderful if you could drop her a few lines with a birthday wish. You can write about your place, your life, yourself, your favourite Polish food, etc. what you like / don’t like about Polska (due to the long time not being in Poland, my mom does not know exactly how life really is there now). You can also decorate it with stickers, washi tape, etc. Don’t feel limited.

Just like the last time, I will give you my address but the message can be directed to her,
either in Polish or German. :poland: :de:

I plan about swapping 15 postcards. As I’m just human and not an automaton, I cannot handle 15 postcards all at once, otherwise I end up in writing lack-of-quality messages which I don’t like. Therefore, I will split this swap in approximately 3 rounds. Maybe 4, depending on my free time and postcards I have at hand. I do my best to offer different kinds of (fancy-pancy?) postcards. :see_no_evil:

Standard-sized postcards are smooth sailing for me. Those which have different size require a higher postage (about 3,8 x higher than the postage of a standard-sized postcard). Lenticular postcards are expensive as well, not so much in postage but in purchase. Concerning the later two, I don’t request anything in particular, but if you happen to have a Polish commemorative “we stand with Ukraine” stamp, that would be great.

I will keep this up-to date and which postcards are gone / still available.

If you are interested in sending birthday wishes to my mom’s birthday, please pm me and I will reply as soon as I can. I will also send proof of the sent postcard via pm.
Thank you!!! Dziękuję bardzo. :postcrossing: :heartpulse:

ROUND 1: quantity of each: 1x

A: Racoon (lenticular postcard; higher in purchase) :point_right: gone

B: BrieftÀubchen / letter pigeon (-chen is a German suffix indicating the diminutive)

C: Mila Marquis (obviously)

D: Tausendschön :point_right: gone

E: Stop War (created by forum member Cassiopheia)