Empty Hurray messages

Very true…I think it simple polite manners to thank someone for their ‘gift’ of communication. How can a hobby and something cheering be a business transaction? That’s just my opinion of course. and I am not a ‘collector’, I just love the global communication and learning and getting real mail of course.


For the last year there have been way more empty hurrays, and also unregistered cards from people not seen for weeks or months.

Well,I may think he don’t like the card I sent ,
though I tried to choose the best one to send him…


So I received an empty Hurray! message. It’s taking a long time for the postcards to arrive. And I spent a long time to match the best card + message for the receivers. It is quite difficult to get a card the receiver might like, because the postcards in South Africa are so limited. So the only thing available might be a standard tourist card or something mediocre or an animal (the animals are popular though). So I sent them a postcard which I decorated nicely (at least i think so), and while the postcard might not knock them off their feet, I thought the message was quite funny. It does involve politics, maybe that might be it?

So, during the pandemic, when the president addressed the nation, it came about that the “address of the nation” was called a “family meeting”. Even the news outlets would say “President Ramaphosa has called for a family meeting tonight at 8 o’clock”. Our President is even called “Uncle Cyril” and not President Ramaphosa in social media and in social circles. And it is done in a sweet way, not mean. If someone is being derogative, they call him “cupcake”. So “Uncle Cyril” is a very nice collective nod. I told the story of how we have “family meetings” and I compared each previous president to an archetype family member. Note only SA’s democratic presidents.

Example: Madiba (Tata) is everyone’s favorite grandfather. We still call him Tata Madiba in everyday language. (Tata means father in isiXhosa).
Thabo Mbeki is the Uncle everyone forgets to invite, but he still shows up.
Jacob Zuma: the creepy uncle that shows up unannounced and the kids are warned to stay away from.
An acting president: the step dad who was not part of the family for long before another divorce takes place.
President now (Cyril): everyone’s favorite uncle.

Is it because it was political? Although the message was not done in a left/right wing view (very neutral) humorous way, I merely shared how SA has made a collective (kind) inside joke about our politics and the way we talk about serious things.

I realize now that maybe it was too political for the person. (They did not state that they do not want anything political). It is just that most of the postcards I receive has such a lackluster message, that I wanted to write a message to someone that they might find humorous or that it gives a real insight to the country.

I hope i didn’t offend them. Also, if I wrote this sort of message to you, would you like to read about? What are your views?

Sorry, I feel very insecure now😬


please don’t feel insecure because you got one empty hurray message. there are so many reasons why people don’t write a message (as you can find in this topic). it doesn’t mean it has anything to do with you or your message.

personally i would love a message like you wrote. because a lot of messages are. eh. basic. so i would love to read something funny and different. but then again if i ever in my life receive a card from south africa i’d jump through my roof.



I would have loved to read your message on a card. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it here. Indeed a wonderful insight in an aspect of life in your country.

No need to apologize for the choice of cards you have. I think the majority of the postcrossing community would love any card showing something of South Africa, and especially one written and decorated with so much attention.


Thanks, @anon7793644 and @mchay

I’m glad to hear this! Let me know if you do want to receive a postcard from South Africa :wink:


I found your message fascinating, and I agree with the others. Please don’t fret about the empty hurray message.


I don’t think this is a message that should be posted here. Everybody can easily find out who you’re talking about, and his personal likes or dislikes have nothing to do with an empty hurray message or postcrossing.


How come that account can be found easily? :open_mouth:
I find it related to empty hurray messages. Because sometime the reason behind empty hurray message can be just that you are part of his/her dislike group :slight_smile:

I found it as well, just by looking who of your sent has an empty profile.

But I don’t know if it matters; you didn’t tell anything anyone can’t find by themselves.


oh wow :smile: human is a crious creature.

Well, my purpose is not targetting/finger pointing anyone.
At the end, I just thought the reason of my empty hurray message this time is simply because I am out of his/her “like” zone based on some generalized thoughts. Based on my beliefs, this is not innocent and something different than being just rude. But it happens (sad but true)

Just to avoid from any unnecessary conflict I am deleting my original message.
I still think this is related with empty hurray message topic, but I also agree with @KitKat7576 maybe it is a bit too personal :slight_smile:

Happy forums!

Deleted before someone reports this :rofl:

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I feel the same way Sailingby. It’s not happened on many occasions to me but it is a a little disappointing and I can’t help feeling a little bit miffed!

Nah, @CarmiB, your postcard text was awesome! You were painting the picture of living in South Africa right now. (We are the “team of 5 million” in New Zealand right now, same thing!). If I got your postcard I would think it was one of the best that I have received, with all the detail of life in another country that you don’t see anywhere else. If all messages are bland, we just keep getting more and more bland as people. You provided a beautiful picture in writing, and if anyone took offence, it’s a shame. :smile:


Hello! A month ago, I got the address of a person who indicated that, in addition to a postcard, he wanted to receive something else pleasant in an envelope. I collected an envelope for him for two days, made cute postcards, tea and a small magnet. Today, the departure was registered, and he did not even write “thank you”, nothing at all. Maybe I take it too personally, but I’m sad…don’t understand what I did wrong. Have you had a similar experience and why might this happen? Thank you.


Yeah, i also have many cards registered without any thank you, but mostly people do thank properly with gratitude)

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It can be disappointing not to get a thank you or any acknowledgement for your postcard. You didn’t do anything wrong. When I don’t get a thank you or a “hurray” letter, I try to get over the disappointment by thinking to myself that perhaps the recipient was in a hurry; or maybe english is not the first language of the recipient and s/he doesn’t feel comfortable writing something; or maybe the recipient is ill and doesn’t have the strength to type out a letter. Who knows. Thinking these things helps me get over my initial disappointment. Most people respond and say something in a “hurray letter.” I’ve only had three instances so far where I got nothing at all. Personally, I think the good outweighs the bad here in Postcrossing. I’m sure you’ll receive many good “hurray” letters in the future.


Okay, so I already shared my opinion about empty hurray messages in the other thread on the topic, but this seems a bit different to me.

He asked for additional gifts, beyond the obligatory postcard, then didn’t thank the sender? How rude!

If someone for whatever reason has trouble saying thank you, maybe it’s best not to beg strangers for gifts, either :laughing:

I’m sure you didn’t do anything “wrong” though - his lack of manners does not reflect on you at all!


You are never obligated to send anything extra along with your postcard. Many people will ask, but to be honest I think it’s a bit rude. The point of the site is swapping postcards, not swapping other things. The forum is the place for that, IMO.