Easter Meetup in London 30 March 2024

Thank you everyone for a great meetup and for all the help I received in organising the meeting. I hope you all had a great time like me. I’m sure it wasn’t the last time we’ll meet.


I bought some postage stamps from Mark at the meetup. And put them into memory note book where everyone signed. Didn’t anyone see where they fell out from it? They were around £20.

Thank you, Mia, for arranging such a great meet-up and thank you @JennyAssis for creating such cool cards! It was such a good way to spend a day.


Hi, no I’m so sorry, I didn’t. If I had seen any stamps lying around I would have picked them up or checked to whom they belonged. I hope they turn up. £20 is a log of money!

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Thank you everyone! Thank you for chocolates, postcards and good memories! Happy Easter!

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Everyone, please check all your cards in case some stamps got mixed up with those and check back here. Let’s find the missing stamps

Have you checked at the BL if there are there? Maybe the staff found them?

Charlotte and I were leaving the last. We also moved the tables on their places. Nothing was left. We left everything clean.

Then hopefully they got mixed up with some cards. I’ll check mine as soon as I’m back in my hotel and let you know.

I checked everywhere but I don’t have them.

Checked my envelope with postcards and a bag. I don’t have anything:(

Checked purse and bag, no joy, sorry

Checked my cards and bag too. Unfortunately didn’t found your stamps.

I didn’t bring back any “extra” stamps of mine either so they couldn’t have got mixed up with mine (that were put to my cards in such hurry and help with others so that they made to special cancellation at the postal museum).

I hope they turn up somewhere.

@SashaUA17 sorry for late reply, hope your stamps turned up…

@GeminiFootprints fantastic day, nice to meet you…

Take care all…

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Thank you all for checking personal postcrossing staff. Much appreciated.


I wasn’t home yesterday but I’ve just had a look through my things and can’t find your stamps…

Also. Thank you to @GeminiFootprints and @JennyAssis for organising this meet up and designing the cards. I had a lot of fun! Sorry Jenny for rushing off at the end! I managed to get on the mail rail after all.

It was really lovely to meet you all and see some friendly faces again. It was such a nice venue and a great atmosphere.


Hurray! Meetup card arrived home! Sadly the postmark smudged :frowning:

Thank you to @GeminiFootprints and @JennyAssis for the meetup and meetup card, and thank you to all that attended, see you at the next meetup :slight_smile:


I sent myself one, different type of card, not glossy like the meetup one, and they sent it a plastic sleeve, did that not do that for yours?

Thank you so much @Sanna for the lovely meetup card from London, I was very pleased that you thought of me.
Many thanks also to the hard-working fellow stampers.

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