Easter Meetup in London 30 March 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: UK, London
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Postal Museum 15-20 Phoenix Pl
:calendar: DATE: 30.03.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 (UK Time)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Hey everybody
my plan is to visit the postal museum first, at around 11 am. You can purchase a ticket online for that, it costs around 20 £. According to Google it takes around 2 hours to see everything. Nearest Underground Stations are Chancery Lane and Russell Square.
Afterwards at 1:30 pm we meet at Slug & Lettuce, 19 Hanover St for talking, postcard signing and to eat and drink together - nearest underground is Oxford Circus the British Library, as it is easier to walk there and we can visit the stamp exhibition after the signing.

@JennyAssis made us a postcard and posted it below. Please let her know, how many cards you want, and please do it as soon as possible might take a while to have them printed. :slight_smile:

I want to limit the number of participants to 15 max.
I hope I could find some postcrossers my age this way (I am midthirty).

If you only want to join for the signing, that would be okay too.

  1. GeminiFootprints - 15 cards
  2. @Sanna - 30 cards (only signing)
  3. @charzevans - 20 cards (only signing)
  4. @Maddymail - 10 cards (museum and signing)
  5. @JennyAssis (only for signing)
  6. @anon59326037
  7. @Potatosium - 20 cards
  8. @EDC83 - 10 cards (museum & signing)
  9. @SashaUA17 - 20 cards (only signing)
  10. @MogCherie (only signing)
  11. @mwntimperial - 5 cards (museum & signing)
  12. @2liz - 5 cards
  13. @MarSo23 - 5 cards
  14. @foxfires (only for signing)
  15. @constanze (only for signing)

  1. @mapcardcollector

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Hello, I’m planning a holiday in London at that time. Would be great to take part. So sign me in. Just have to check from work that they give me the time off :crossed_fingers:

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You’re on the list. Would you mind telling me your first name ?

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My first name is Sanna.
Same as my postcrossing nick :blush:

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I hope I get some more people participate like this: I found all the people I tagged in former Posts about London Meetups :smiley: Hope it’s alright :smiley:

@NataliaDoesThings @charzevans @ollomol @JennyAssis @chrisbonham11 @JustJo @Junaiki @tesc @Eli33 @Binnington @friedgold91 @vientosdelnorte @relvita @geo_ @redharry @Maddymail @niniko_lekishvili @Bluebirch @alexfc @TinyMouse @seaview @tashac @Star-Mix-1982 @constanze @Jonny1987 @mapcardcollector @foxfires


Hello, I might be able to come to this. We have had a meet-up at this venue before.

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If you visited the postal museum before and don’t want to do that again we could come up with a different plan together. I don’t really mind what we do if we just do anything :smiley:

I am fine with wherever we go, I just thought I would make you aware.

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Hello @GeminiFootprints thank you for the tag. I already have plans for the Easter weekend, hence I won’t be able to attend this Meetup.

Hi! I appreciate the tag and would deffo have been down but I’m in Ethiopia on March 30th. However my health is all over the place so that may not go ahead so this is the number one backup :slight_smile:

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Can I be put down as a Provisional (Maybe)

The Postal Museum is great, they usually have an exhibition on, plus the ticket is valid for a year from purchase, should you want to come back. :postbox:


Easter meetup sounds good, please signed me in and my son @anon59326037.

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I’ve been wanting to go to the museum! But I think it’s unlikely I’ll be able to come :frowning: If anything changes I’ll let you know :blush:


I would love to be added to the list of people attending!


Please add me to the list as well as attending. Thank you.


Behold the Easter Meetup postcard! Each postcard will cost 20p :pound:
Let me know how many postcards you are interested in. :postbox:


Put me down, please. I’ll take 20 postcards.

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Hello there! Please could you put me down as a maybe? I can confirm closer to the date, thank you!

Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

Hi, please add me as a maybe :blush: