Easter Meetup in London 30 March 2024

Hi for international postcards you can buy the current £2.20 rate stamp at the postal museum with the post and go stamps, also on the way to King’s Cross we pass a number of small shops that should sell first class stamps, I shall have a look if there’s a post office on route or nearby for you as they will have more choice for stamps…

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For information for post offices nearby…


Sadly the Post & Go kiosk was removed back in January, but the postal museum did say they where looking at stocking alternatives,

There is the nearby Mount Pleasant Post Office, they did have some special stamps, the last time I visited, but not many :frowning:

OH NO! That’s a shame, I was hoping to get one of the stamps, wonder if they’ll have any special ones on sale at all…

Thanks for info…

Can we get stamps at the postal museum?

I will meet you all at the second part of the meetup at the Library :heart:

Could we clarify who’s coming to the postal museum and who’s only there afterward at the British Library?


Asked the postal museum about stamps and got this reply…

"Thank you for getting in touch with The Postal Museum.

Unfortunately, we no longer have Post & Go machines at the museum. We still have stamps for sale, but they are not specifically Postal Museum stamps. We have regular 1st and 2nd class stamps and international ones. We also have Paddington Bear stamps available. These can be purchased at the tills in the welcome space.

Visitors are still able to send postcards from the museum, and anything sent this way will have a “Postal Museum” cancellation stamp on it.

We look forward to welcoming you to the museum soon.

Best Wishes,



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I’ll be coming to the postal museum as well as going to the British library afterward. :slight_smile:

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I can go to The Postal Museum at 1 pm to deliver your postcards. If anyone wants them to be stamped at the museum. Alternatively, we could all return to the museum after the meeting to get them stamped.


If it’s no trouble for you it would be nice to have them stamped by the postal museum :slight_smile:

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I’m able to reduce the postcard price so you can grab a few more and save me from having lots stuck in my home.
→ 0.15p each postcard ←

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Bad news: I had to fly home early from Ethiopia.
Good news: I can now come to this! So if it’s not too late can I please attend the signing part? (I can answer all your stamp questions if that helps my case!)


I shall be at the Postal Museum for 11am, and will attend the British Library for the signing, if possible, would like to return to the postal museum to dump my postcards in the special cancellation postbox before the museum closes.

Hopefully it’s a nice day, according to Google maps it is a 20 minute walk between each venue, or slightly quicker by taking the No.17 bus plus a short walk.


I will come back with you to the museum!

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I’m aiming to be at the museum at 11, then come to the BL and then I will see how things go from thereon in!.

Just to clarify: I’ll just be attending the stamping at The British Library :slightly_smiling_face:

My foster dog has been rehomed so I am unexpectedly free tomorrow. If you can squeeze in an extra one I will join you at the British Library.
Jenny- I will take 25 cards if available.


I put you on the list, see you tomorrow

What I great news, see you at the Library!