Do You Save Hurray Messages?

I was thinking about making a little scrapbook or journal with print outs of all of the nice hurray messages I’ve gotten. Just a little something to keep with the postcards I’ve gotten. Does anyone else keep Hurray messages?


I still have all the messages since 2010. I use Gmail and there is no need to delete anything. I like to save everything.


No, one-and-done for me.


Yep, I save them in a folder in my outlook mail-account and flag the heartwarming ones.


I save them in a file on my computer. I think it would be fun to look at them over the years.


I’ve sent around a hundred postcards. I save them in my e-mail inbox. So, I keep it for the heartwarming messages and some data in these replies.
I’ve replied some “Hurray” message for some additional guide or something I wanna know more, e.g. traveling guides.


I put them all in a folder called “Postcrossing” in my gmail account in case I want to read through them again one day. :slightly_smiling_face:


yes i keep them all. well, the special ones, which is still a lot. it makes my inbox super messy though. i’ve been thinking about making a different email for postcrossing but i probably should’ve thought of that sooner than after 10 years. oh well.

i just came across one that says ‘i hope the sun shines a bit more for you’ which still makes me smile after 2 years. don’t wanna throw that away.




I save mine in an email folder called HURRAY!!! But I like the idea of having a scrap book of them. It’s really nice to look back on them. Also the “It’s a favourite!” emails really brighten my day!


I keep all of my PostCrossing records in a Notion database for now. But saving Hurray messages in scrapbooks seems like a good idea!
I think I’ll be flipping through the messages more than having them in inboxes :partying_face::partying_face:


Yes, i do take screenshot of nice hurrah messages))


I save the hurray mails in a folder in my inbox. I haven’t re-read them, I don’t know if I ever will.
Maybe I’ll delete them after a while, but I’m not ready for that yet.


Yes, all of them except the white or super short ones. I keep them in a folder in my mail

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I don’t print them, but do save them in a folder. I joined not that long ago and I don’t know yet, if I will keep doing this or make some adjustments in the course of time.


I save every single Postcrossing related email that I get (including forum messages) in a separate folder in my email :sweat_smile:


No, never.


No, usually not. Only if there are some very special ones commenting on something personal I shared on the postcard I sent.
But most are deleted, although I read and appreciate every one of them.

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yeah they stay in the “Postcorssing” folder. (only from 2014 on, lost older ones)
But I might go through and delete the empty ones at least.
But I’m more “not deleting them” - do delete the mail with the address as soon as card is registered or out of the system.
As I do note the stamps I’ve used in an Excel sheet (including date of actually mailing the card and when it’s registered) and do mark if receiver do comment on the stamps and do not always complete that instantly it was more about “forgetting to delete” then I guess than the actual thought of “I really really want to save that message”

Yes! I have a folders, by year, where I store the emails with addresses in case I need to find them again (for instance if I thought of the perfect card but couldn’t find it until much later) and my Hurray messages. The especially nice Hurray messages are in a folder called Postcrossing Happy. The scrapbook idea is sweet–I don’t go back and read the messages once they are in the folder, but I just don’t like deleting the extraordinary ones. Postcrossing is about spreading joy and making connections, and sometimes the Hurray messages do that as well as the postcards! :slight_smile: