Do You Save Hurray Messages?

some that I really like.

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I keep interesting / long hurray messages in a special folder.


Nope. Never even considered it.

Yup! I made a folder right after I got my first Hurray message. It makes me happy to see what people think about the postcards I send them~


What are the Hurray messages? Are they replies from the recipient?

Thank you :blush:

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@Jules18 Yes, you’ll see Hurray in the subject line, when you get a notification one of your sent postcards has been registered. The recipient most of the time leaves a message for you.

Not really, but that sounds like a very cute idea. I might start archiving the ones in my Gmail too like people are suggesting though :slight_smile:

Yes, like many others I also save them in a special Postcrossing folder. Just recently I went through a couple of them and I think it’s a nice trip down memory lane. Although, now that I think about it, maybe to save space I’ll delete the more standard ones.

Thank you. I’ve always been so excited that they we’re actually received that I only now remember the “hurray.” Thank you. Have a wonderful week.

I keep all my hurrah messages too! I have a folder for them and I also keep all the messages for who I sent cards and any messages.

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I have a folder for PostCrossing in my email account, and I save all PC related emails there. I do not keep the Hurray message that say Thank you only, but keep all the ones that contain an actual message.

Hi Julie! Welcome to the Postcrossing forum! The Hurray message is the email message the sender receives when the sent card is registered.
Happy Postcrossing! I hope you’ve been enjoying it so far!

I save them! I created a folder in my mail named “Postcrossing” where I keep them. :two_hearts:

I save my hurray messages in a special folder in my mail app. I often receive so nice and lovely hurray messages and I don’t want to lose or forget them. Every message brings me joy and sometimes they make my day or even more.

Yes, I have saved all the Hurray messages in a Postcrossing folder in my Gmail account.

No…it comes as an email that I delete after reading. At my job I receive dozens of emails everyday and it’s too overwhelming to get even more in my personal account

I make a scan from all my sent postcards, both sides, and keep them in the “Postcrossing” folder on my pc . When I receive “Hurray” messages, I copy and paste the messages in a Word document and save these with the corresponding postcards.