Do you read the profile of those you are sending a postcard to? Did you read something interesting?

I am currently in Egypt, and when I settled down, I was not sure that I would be able to receive all the postcards intended for me. So I put in my profile an introductory sentence (to make sure it would be visible) in which I asked the senders if they could take a picture of the text of their postcard in case it would get lost (because what I like the most in postcrossing is the exchanges, the text and the stamps :blush:).
After almost two months, still not having received a postcard and not wanting to prevent the postcrossers who had written to me from sending other cards, I had my cards automatically registered.
It turned out that 10 cards had been sent to me (although I did not receive any :confused:). I contacted the postcrossers to ask them if they had any pictures of their cards. It turns out that ā€œonlyā€ three had taken pictures of the text. The others did not respond.
I donā€™t blame them at all, because I guess they didnā€™t read my profile, but I just wonder; do you sometimes not read the profiles of the postcrossers you write to?


I read the profile every time.



Reading a profile is an important part of whole exercise, I do read it before selecting the card.



Hello! I always read the profile, try to find a postcard that suits the taste of a person. This is not always the case, sometimes the taste of the dropped profile does not coincide with mine at all. Usually, it is with great pleasure that I send an envelope to those who indicate that they collect banknotes, bookmarks, ticketsā€¦ About! I also sent teašŸ˜, этŠ¾ сŠ°Š¼Š¾Šµ Š½ŠµŠ¾Š±Ń‹Ń‡Š½Š¾Šµ ŠøŠ· тŠ¾Š³Š¾, чтŠ¾ я Š¾Ń‚ŠæрŠ°Š²Š»ŃŠ»Š°


I ALWAYS read the profile and look at (at least) 1 page of the sent and received cards wall and the favourites (particularly of Austria, if there are any.).

So many people mention the ā€œconnectionā€ part of Postcrossing (as opposed to the ā€œcollectingā€), yet, in my year-long experience, one doesnā€™t get answers to questions on the cards or in ā€œHurrayā€ messages, in, at least, 60% of the time (if not more!).

So much said about the ā€œconnectionā€ā€¦

Personally, I donā€™t ask questions just so as to fill up space on the card or write something in my e-mail! I am interested in an answer! :roll_eyes:


Same for me, I really like to do this, itā€™s like diving in someone else collection, and knowing that my postcard will soon be ā€œpartā€ of this collection!


I do read the profile if it isnā€™t a list of wants. I may well forget to take a picture of text if someone requested it, though.


I always read the profile and have a look on the wall of the favourites.


I read the profile, read the card interest, see the received cards to avoid duplications and also see their favourites to see whether I can send them their favourite. I always try to do my best to make the receiver happy.


Reading the profile is important to me.
I tend to draw the address the night before i intend to write a postcard, then I have time to think carefully about it and make a choice of card. If there is nothing written, I look at their favourites or the type of cards they send, to get an idea of the person I am writing to.
Itā€™s part of the ā€˜being connectedā€™ of Postcrossing, as far as i am concerned.


I always read the profile - sometimes twice! And maybe look at their Favorites before then looking through my collection for a card that seems right for that person. And then go find the postage to put on, then add their address, then the card ID, then look at my computer for the date and the weather to put them on. So, a lot of steps before beginning to write the card.

Then I write the card, and usually I can take a snip of the card to upload onto the site. And then go back to my Flickr album and delete the card from the album.

By the time Iā€™ve taken all those steps, it might be 75 / 25 in terms of the chances I would remember to do another step like scanning the text. On a normal day. So, probably youā€™d get what you ask. But on a day where Iā€™m rushing or distracted, the odds might go down to 50/50. I can understand why some people might forget about your request to scan the card.

But I just read your profile and donā€™t see the request for taking a picture of the text. How about putting something in like, ā€œSince I moved to Egypt to study at the University, many Postcrossing cards have gotten lost along the way. :woozy_face: So if possible, please take a picture of what you write on the card - that way if it gets lost, I can register the card and you can still show me what you wrote. That would make me very happy.ā€


I read each profile and it is always a pleasure to know more about the person to whom we are going to write. I also look at the postcards received and the favourites.

But I sometimes write on the postcard later in the day and it can happen that by rereading the profile I go faster and forget to answer a question for example (especially when there is a lot of information on the profile).
On one of my recent postcards I didnā€™t realize that I had forgotten to answer a question when I had already finished filling the postcard! I was too focused on my writing (English is not my native language). I managed to find a very small place to add the answer but it is not always possible. :sweat_smile:


I always read profiles, its hard for me to pick a card when there arenā€™t any suggestions or wishlists because I donā€™t know what the person likes, dislikes, does not want to receive, etc.


Yes. I always read it, sometimes more than once, but that doesnā€™t stop me from forgetting certain requests as soon as I write and mail the postcard (like writing the temperature - I never put it so, when asked, I start to write the postcard and totally forget about the request). The same might have happened to you: people probably read it but because itā€™s not something usual their mind might have forgotten when preparing the postcards. It happens. I hope you get to see some postcards addressed to you someday, good luck!


I always read the profile, but I donā€™t necessarily do what they tell me to do. I would not have taken a picture of the text side. And even if I did take a picture, I would not necessarily be able to find it again whenever the recipient told me that they wanted said picture.


I read them to avoid sending unwanted images, on the card or stamp. However, I donā€™t always remember requests like date, weather, etc.


I always read the profile, normally more than once.
But, I tend to forget what I am asked to do.

Also often if someone messages me, I think, yes, Iā€™ll answer later. And forget.


I always read the profile. It helps me pick out a postcard.


Many years ago, I studied in a different country. Towards the end, I asked in my profile that people message me before they send the postcard to check my address was still valid. Everyone did message me.


I definitely read the profile and make an effort to accommodate, but Iā€™m allergic to people who are picky and demanding. I have a life outside of postcrossing too. Additionally, I donā€™t collect postcards, so I have a small variety of cards to send.