Do you like decorated postcards?

To me its ok if someone decorates the card, but I like to read that message. Over the top decorations aren’t my thing.

I usually just write my message.Sometimes I use stickers if those matches to things what receiver likes and receiver wishes some decoration. If I send card in envelope by request or to protect hand made one I use stickers to seal the envelope. Washi tape is for the hand made cards, otherwise I don’t have any room to write any message in normal card, thanks to my handwriting.


I really enjoy receiving a postcard that was hand made.
I appreciate when the individuals take the time to do so.

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I love decorated personalized cards that members take the thoughtful time to make and with added stamps from their country to mail is even better. I also decorate with stickers n’such as well. I also like a few words about their country or culture, where they live etc…
What a boring world it would be if everything was just plain same ol… Happy Post Crossing :slight_smile:


I’d like decorate cards. It shows me, the sender have time for my card.


Decorated postcard lover over here :slight_smile: I like the “intimacy” the washitape can give to the back of the card, with a frame along some or all the edges. It’s the full picture I like: Nice message, beautiful stamps, drawings maybe and the happy stickers and/or washitape.

But I will hold back with the decorations if I send to a guy or indeed if the recipient looks like a serious postcard collector =) And of course if they specifically mention they don’t like stickers and decorations. The back of the card then looks “empty” to me, but oh well, I’m glad we’re all different.


I love decorating and receiving decorated cards! I like stickers and little hand drawn pictures and ink stamps and paper cuts and and and on them!

Why don’t you like decorations? Do you find them distracting or that they take away too much writing space?


I like decorating postcards. I use washi tape, stickers, ink stamps and even gel or metallic pens. If the recipient mentions they do not like those things, I will not use them.
I will start with washi tape and stick on the stamps, then write my message. If there are spaces, I may add a sticker, ink a small stamp, or decorate with gel pens.


I love decorating the cards I send with washi tapes, stickers, markers and color pencils. If I can I try to decorate to the theme that the receiver might like. I would like to think that the receiver will enjoy looking at the decorations too as it is time and effort involved just like writing texts. If the profile says they like reading the messages, I will remove the stamps and fill it with all text, because I also love receiving a full written text too.

It doesn’t matter what I receive as long as the sender enjoyed writing the postcard to me. Writings, stories, decorations they all show a little bit of the sender’s personality and I enjoy them.


I love decorations on the message side of the card, and I love using stickers myself. I love seeing and getting cards with washi tape, but for some reason don’t like using it myself. I think it’s hard for me to work with.

I don’t use rubber stamps, much, either, because my other main hobby is hand embroidery, and the ink can be hard to wash off my hands but transfers easily when I stitch. I don’t use gel pens for the same reason, although I love the look and feel.

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I used to love decorating postcards with all kinds of washi tapes and stickers, and I would spend a long time on decorating each postcard. But now I don’t really like using washi tape to decorate postcards. I would only use 1-2 stickers to simply decorate the postcard, because I feel that pasting tape takes up some space that can be used for writing. And due to the increase in postage, I have to paste 3-4 stamps to fit the postage. Moreover, I found that some of the washi tapes on the postcards I received 10 years ago has changed color a bit, seems turned dark and It looks a bit dirty actually. :disappointed_relieved:
Although I know that paper will turn yellow over time, but still I would rather only the postcard turn yellow, and it can be preserved for a longer time. This is just my personal opinion.


Here is the old debate: write more or decorate. As a letter writer since childhood I have seen this dilemma discussed in the pen pal community pretty often. Why does it have to be either/or? These two are not mutually exclusive. Some of us care about a good message and can tastefully decorate :blush:. For me mail art is a form of self expression and I do not send “naked” envelopes or postcards. I will clearly hone it down if that is requested by the recipient, but I enjoy putting effort in and sending unique pieces. It also helps me to use my craft supplies instead of hoarding them and letting them collect dust. I think there’s room for everyone on international platforms like this one to be themselves. Including being ok with how one chooses to prepare and send their mail out.

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I really love to get decorated postcards , specially if the stickers and such match my list of passions. That way i know they really read my profile and took care of the card.

I love decorating as well and i always do it. How much i decorate depends on the space.
My work in order is, writing the address, choose stamps, writing the code, writing the message and lastly decorate :smiley: I am always trying to decorate according to profile.


For me, the most meaningful thing on any card I receive is the message. That being said, I also recognize that not every one is exceptionally fluent (or even fluent at all) in my language. Each of these little miracles that arrives in my mailbox is symbolic in its own way. Some stranger took time out of their precious life (of which they only get a limited amount) to prepare for me a gift and send it. Sometimes they draw things, sometimes they use washi tapes and stickers, sometimes they use rubber stamps. But regardless of what they did with the card, they took the time to send me, a stranger, a gift! So while I may have preferences of writing over stickers, or drawing over rubber stamps, those don’t really matter. What that postcard represents, regardless of how it is decorated, and what message it carries and what stamps were used is care for a stranger. That brings me hope for all of us, every time I get one in my mailbox.


I love both sending and receiving decorated postcards. It makes me feel happy as I imagine someone sitting at their desk, or table, and taking the time to think about that other person and what she, or he, might like, or not, choose stickers and washi tape and make that card a very unique little piece of themselves to send. Of course the message is very important as well, but as some postcrossers do not understand English well, a few pretty stickers should bring a smile too, right? And, if you use a very fine marker or 2, you can still write quite a bit, even if you have a few stickers.

But, of course, if the profile of that person says “no stickers”, I don’t add any, but, honestly, I feel like my card is “naked”. Taking a little extra time to decorate the card (respecting the receiver’s wishes, likes, or dislikes) does show that you really want to send a smile, a hug, or some beauty in a world becoming increasingly unkind.

Happy Spring Postcrossing to all :tulip:


Same here! It is such a thrill to read through someone’s profile and send them something they will enjoy :smiling_face:.

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I don’t enjoy receiving decorated cards, especially with stickers. I never mention (=whine) about decorations as I still appreciate time and effort sender has put on them and I understand it’s part of fun for many people. But still, my answer is no.


I enjoy receiving decorated postcards. I like to decorate postcards too. I respect others who prefer no decorations on postcards and I think it is okay to write this in their profile.


I like decorated postcards - no matter how much or less decorated she is. From doodles to washi tapes to stickers, everything is welcomed.
I noticed that older people (40+) mostly don’t decorate postcards or less decorate them. That’s my experience from official Postcrossing and it’s fine to me. Not everyone like to do so or think about decorations, or have the time. The reasons are different.

I re-edited my official profile with the info, that I like decorated postcards (receiving and sending). And that I’m also fine with it when people don’t do so.

I think about 90-95% of my official postcards since 2012 I have decorated so far. Sometimes I check the profile, also check the age of the person and when I have something to match the persons favourite (maybe I have a sticker of something the person like), I use it.
But also respect when the person don’t like decorated postcards. Then I try to use two different pen colors - one for the address and date, the rest for my writing.


I don’t mind decorated cards. Perhaps because I am still quite new to Postcrossing I marvel at every postcard I receive and enjoy seeing people’s different approaches to essentialy the same activity.
I don’t do much decorating myself as I prefer to write as much as I can, but I have made attempts, especially for birthday cards.

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I feel the same way. I love to find stickers that are appropriate for something in the person’s profile - not just the card. I use washi tape to delineate the space where the address goes. However, if the person says no stickers, of course, I don’t use them. It always looks a little sad to me, so I use different colored pens.
Happy Day!!