Do people like meetup cards?

I have been recived two same meetup cards but from different persen. That’s reall surprised me. and I like to recived any kind of crads if they have good quality,incloud meetpu card

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Love them. Fun to spot a familiar name! And people are getting really creative with their stamps too.

I received a particular meetup card from my friends at a local meetup which I couldn’t attend. Some of the folks wrote a message each for me and it’s definitely my most favorite meetup card EVER. I almost felt like crying :heart:


I am indifferent but I strongly prefer for there to also be a personal message on the card, however short. How much I enjoy receiving a meetup card is strongly related to whether the image is relatable to me and if there is a personal message. If one of those things is present, I enjoy them, and if neither is true then I don’t feel any connection at all and end up wondering why I spend so much money on postage for this hobby (the answer to that is of course all the other delightful experiences that come with sending and receiving mail).

I once received a meetup card with a photo of meat cooking (I’m vegetarian and my profile says so) and I seriously thought about why the sender sent it to me, but I can imagine as someone attending a meetup you’re probably excited to send the special cards, so then it’s disappointing when you pull an address of someone who won’t like the card. And if you don’t send the meetup cards that you were excited about it’s like losing a thing that makes you feel connected to other Postcrossers. So I think it’s a little complicated.


I believe I’ve said earlier that I’d like it very clear exactly which person is the actual sender in those cases!


Personally, I LOVE them! I really, really, really, want to go to an in-person meet-up but so far, I’ve had bad luck, and meet-up postcards are as close as I can get.

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I like them also

It depends. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I don’t.

I don’t address them at a meeting (I have been to only one), so I only send them to people that I think will like a meeting card. I think I will block part of the card next tima with a post-it or something, so that I have more space to write something. Now I wrote between all the stamps. :smiley: