[Discuss] Create a Unesco World Heritage Postcard (wiki)

[Discuss] Create a Unesco World Heritage Postcard (wiki)

World Unesco World Heritage Postcard Expo

Each country has its own Unesco World Heritage Postcard exhibition hall,
Each Unesco World Heritage Postcard exhibition hall has a curator of its own nationality,

Feel free to add more “Unesco World Heritage” postcards that you see in Postcrossing to this wiki —
you can edit each country post yourself (using the Edit button underneath each post).

the first batch participating countries Index Page will be :

China exhibition hall,
Australia exhibition hall,
Austria exhibition hall,
Belgium exhibition hall,
Brazil exhibition hall,
Canada exhibition hall,
Czechia exhibition hall,
France exhibition hall,
Germany exhibition hall,
Greece exhibition hall,
India exhibition hall,
Italy exhibition hall,
Japan exhibition hall,
Mexico exhibition hall,
Netherlands exhibition hall,
Peru exhibition hall,
Poland exhibition hall,
Portugal exhibition hall,
Russian Federation exhibition hall,
Spain exhibition hall,
Sweden exhibition hall,
Switzerland exhibition hall,
Turkey exhibition hall,
United Kingdom exhibition hall,
United States of America exhibition hall,
and the WE exchange hall,

WE hall

the WE hall is “Unesco World Heritage postcards" Exchange hall,
you may upload your Unesco World Heritage postcards to here, show to other person,
and take a look, what can I obtain from here ?
you and you exchange postcard at WE hall, tag each other,

in case of any country want participating the first batch participating countries,
please just Reply let general moderator meiadeleite to know,

1 Like

I am confused. Are you suggesting we discuss setting up an exposition on the Postcrossing site to show the cards we have collected? Or a Postcrossing tag where we can trade UNESCO cards? Or a wiki outside of the Postcrossing site?

Everyone is unfamiliar with postcrossing (wiki),
postcrossing (wiki) is a good thing,
Let the general moderator meiadeleite explain,
hope launching more and more different themes postcrossing (wiki),

I think it’s not the problem of understanding the concept of wikis (everyone can edit a post that is a wiki - but your first post here isn’t a wiki).

Would you like me to make a wiki of it, so that everyone can add their stuff?

But: What exactly are people supposed to add?

My suggestion for you would be:

  • Click on the headline of this topic, then click the pencil that’s right of the headline and change the category to #postcard-mail:postcard-chat.
  • Prepare the structure you need for your wiki in the following posts (you write all those posts yourself and add the needed structure, so everyone will understand what to do).
  • Keep in mind that there’s a limited number of characters for each post. It might be at 10000 characters for each post, but I’m not sure.
  • Keep in mind that a topic with many pictures/galleries in it will start acting very slow and will be difficult to access for those with limited internet speed/volume.
  • Ask a moderator to make the posts that you’d like to be wikis into wikis. (You cannot do so yourself, I think.)
  • Off you go, that’s your wiki.

If you like people to discuss here if they’d like this idea first, you should make it more clear what your wiki is about. I don’t fully understand your idea, either.
Maybe you should show an example about how the contents of the wiki will look like.
It’s difficult to understand an idea if there’s just the table of contents that will need to be linked to posts that don’t exist yet.

But that’s just my private opinion - English is a foreign language for me and I don’t speak it perfectly, maybe it’s just the language barrier why I don’t understand your idea.


a wiki is not a “postcard-mail”,

a “postcard-mail” is under C,

the category to Postcard chat!. is under C,

a wiki is under T,

they are in different categories,
for example, here is a wiki, under T,

A wiki can be created in different categories of the forum. That is because the wiki can be about different topics. If you want to create a wiki where we show postcrossing cards related to birds, UNESCO or another topic, that belongs under Postcard chat! in my opinion. Its not related to the Where to get postcards, ss that section is about physical and online stores that sell postcards.