Demands for flora/nature selfprint cards?

Hello community,

I am planning to print postcards from photos taken by myself,
which many of them are flowers and birds (as provided below).
In order to control the printing cost, I hope to know if there are a lot of people prefer receiving these kind of cards.
Please tell me what you think.

Thank you!






Very beautiful :star_struck::heart:

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Personally I’d love to receive cards like that. They are very nice :sunflower:

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So beautiful, you’re pretty talented :herb:

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Fantastic cards , especially I love your bird ! :bird: :heart_eyes:

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Beautiful, yes send to people who like photos, especially your own!
South Africa

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Wow they are fantastic…:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Thanks for all of the replies above!!

They are really beautiful! I would totally love to receive your photos as postcards. :herb:

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I would love to receive any of those cards!

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Beautiful cards.
I am interested.

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Very nice! Yes I do make my own as well -I’d love them!

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Beautiful! Id love to receive cards like that anytime :heart:
I live in a very small town and I gave up and produce my own as well. People ( understandably) ask for local postcards but when there are none

It doesn’t get any more local than your own front yard


Beautiful flower!
That’s exactly what I think! As long as ensuring the quality, photos taken by myself are more “local” than those colorful HDR landscapes (published by large studio and bought by many people).
I also take photos of city view, but I think I do better on shooting natural things.


Wow I love the bird one! I wish to receive bird postcard like this some day

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Your photos are beautiful and I’d love to receive a card with one of them. I also make postcards from my photos and send them out in Postcrossing. Some have been marked as favorites. If I draw somebody who says in their profile that they don’t like home-made cards then I’ll send them something else.

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Those photos are so beautiful :heart_eyes: I would love to reveive a postcard like that!
Unique, personal, local and made with love: compliments to you!!

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I :orange_heart: it.

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What lovely photos :heart_eyes: !

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Great photos! I do the same with my snapshots. I’ve found that there are very few postcards in my local shops and they are pretty boring or cheesy. Just cross my fingers that folks will enjoy what I send them.

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