Decorating Postcards

Hello dear Postcrossers,

We’re still Newbies to everything and started only a few days ago.
We LOVE to look at all your pretty postcards, sent & received…and are wondering now how do they look from the other side?
Already learned that a lot of PCs use stickers or draw stuff on them.

Anything else you do to decorate your postcards, could we maybe see one or two for inspiration? :smiley:

Greetings from Germany,

Lara & Emelie


Hello Lara and Emilie!

Here is a whole thread about decorating backsides of cards:

There are lots of examples to admire and to be inspired. Welcome to postcrossing!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Decorating the back of your →NON-HANDMADE POSTCARDS←

Hello Lara and Emilie, Welcome to Postcrossing and the Forum!
I moved your post to the topic that was suggested by @Kanerva and will close this topic now.
Enjoy writing and decorating your cards!