Decorating Envelopes and Handmade Envelopes

Thank you for inspiring me to try and decorate my envelopes a little. :slight_smile:

I love upcycling and used what I had: Pages of an old dictionary to make the envelope, pictures from magazines, printed vintage postal stickers, file cards…

And finally I found a way to use the small pictures from the back of an old calendar. I never knew what to do with them and hesitated to throw them away.

Because of the dictionary pages the envelopes are astonishingly light. I thought they would be heavier due to the decoration. But the pages are thin but not transparent.

Now I hope my pen pals will like them. :slight_smile:


I already follow you over on IG :blush:

Mine is UKSMILEMAIL :love_letter:

Beautiful :heart_eyes:

Haha, I already follow you as well :slight_smile: It certainly is a small world! :smiley:


I love decorating my envelopes!
Here is some of the pictures, and more in my insta


Some of my decorated envelopes…


I bought a coloring book with many beautiful artwork few years ago but i don’t have time to coloring them.
Hence, i use them to made an envelope .
This is the one i made today.


Nice. :slightly_smiling_face:
Last year, a friend offered 2 coloring books but I’m not into that. I tried just a bit with watercolor pencils, aqua pen and well…it’s ok…for the big illustrations. When it is supposed to be relaxing for some, it rather annoys me with the tiny sections. :sweat_smile: Just not used to do coloring.
So, I did not try it yet but thought about doing envelopes from it too. I thought about offering some pages to my pupils too.


totally cool

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great idea! sometimes i use calendars

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WOW! You are great!

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thats EXACTLY how I feel, I enter alot of sweeps and now im combining all of the arts- takes me allday sometimes, but its fun


I love them al but I really love hello kitty

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I don’t want to sound patronizing, but do you know that you can answer to more than one person in one post? You can either address them with @username (so they’ll get a notification) or quote their post. For quoting, mark the part you want to quote and then a little window with “quote” will appear, on which you have to click.
It’ll look like this:

Thanks for the inspiration everyone, I had some fun preparing these envelopes!

PS how am I ever going to be able to send off just a white envelope from now on?


My latest two.


I like to decorate my envelope :smiley:
I usually use sticker +@
Here’s some of my recent sent envelopes.


My last official Postcrossing card going Poland, this Postcrosser requested her card in an envelope. Certainly! :blush:


Some envelopes I decorated yesterday.
When I buy stamps online I get a lot of these envelopes they put the stamps in:

I always wonder why they don’t put all the stamps in only one envelope. Sometimes I get only one stamp in this big envelope. Crazy.
I recycle them for some time now and decorated them with scraps of papers, added some Nuvo Jewel drops/Crystal drops and these stickers I did.


Recycling and collage are always great ideas for decorating envelopes.