December 9, 2023 - Rochester (SE MN) meetup

I’m hoping to make it to this one!!!

I’ll plan to be there! Sounds so much fun – thanks for organizing!

I’m so excited! This will be my first meet-up! Count me in :slight_smile:

I would like to come, weather and health permitting.

Cards are here! $0.25/card payable by Venmo, PayPal or cash at the meetup.

(Why is Venmo autocorrected to venom?)

Four more weeks, I hope the weather is playing along!


Ill be there from Iowa. I had so much fun at the last one. I would like 20 postcards please.

I’ll plan on coming, weather permitting. Thanks Sandra!

Hi. Can I please have 10 cards? I am not sure I can make it still but I want to make sure I don’t miss out on the cards :slight_smile: Thank you!

I am not sending out cards beforehand this time. If there are some left after the meet, I can get you some. Thanks for understanding.

Hi! I would like 20 postcards please! See you on the 9th :slight_smile:

Hi! I would like 15 postcards please. Looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

Wonderful design! I’d like to buy 10 and will bring cash to our meetup. Thanks again for organizing

I would like 12 postcards please :o) starting count down woo hoo!

I will be heading to the library today to check out the room and their standard layout.

There will be a little raffle, too.

And again, feel free to bring some Christmas cookies to share for all. They don’t have to be postal themed …

Weather permitting, I would like 8 or 10!

Hi all! Less than a week to go!

When you arrive at the library and go inside, it is straight to the left side from the top of the stairs/elevator and clearly marked “second floor meeting room”. I will also provide additional postcrossing related signage. :slight_smile: If all else fails, there is a help desk, too.

Water fountains and restrooms are right next to it.

It seems the weather gods are on our side. The time in the room is limited to two hours, but if you’re interested, we could have some coffee or tea at Mezza9 afterwards. Or beer at the Tap House. (It’s both a couple of blocks away.)


It looks like we won’t be making it this time. Hopefully next time

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You will be missed!

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I will be there today! Excited to meet everyone!

Thanks for coming, everyone! I realized we forgot to take a group picture, but well …