"Dear Journalist" community challenge — May's destination: Iceland 🇮🇸

I am a Radio lover :heart_eyes: , so I buy World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH) every year! :blush:
I send these cards to radio station Rás1, Rás 2, and FM957, :smile:


Great, so hope you buy the 75th anniversary edition! :blush:

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So, May ended and we have just one new members in Iceland, which is a little sad…

What do you all think? Was one month perhaps not enough time? Should I have promoted this topic a bit more, to have some more participation? Do we give it a go with another country in June, or do we chalk this up as a failed experiment and move on? :thinking:

Thoughts and suggestions are welcome!

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Did you get any feedback from icelandic media? Did they contact you and do you know of any publications about postcrossing?
Maybe we should give it some more time (long travel times…) and a second try with another country?

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The postcards arrived with the journalists this month, a seed might have been planted. :seedling:

I believe it’s too early to draw conclusions on the rise of members from Iceland, that can only be expected after the journalist created a story.
So better to draw conclusions on feedback from them, did someone reach out to the post crossing team?

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And another thought on this topic:
The postcards were sent to the newspaper, radiostation, TV channel without specifying a recipient. How are the chances of such cards to reach the actual journalists and not ending their journey on the mailclerk’s writing desk? Maybe for the next country it could be better to invest more time in the research of suitable TV or radio shows (with the help of local postcrossers) and then adress the postcards to the editorial staff of these shows instead of the channel/station in general…


Better late than never!
Just mailed off 5 :love_letter: :love_letter: :love_letter: :love_letter: :love_letter:, and :heavy_check_mark:'d the TV Channels/Radio Stations


For Iceland I would have chosen October or November. In May days get longer and outdoor activities get priority. Maybe a follow up later in the year?

I think it is too soon for evaluation now.


Hi, just found this topic now …
I like the idea of sending cards from all over the world to the media of Iceland -
but a question has been arising in me: If you want to get media in Iceland interested in writing about postcrossing, why don’t you send them an official message? Asking directly if they are interested in the topic?

And another suggestion, if sending the cards from all over the world: People could write about their connection to Iceland - or why Iceland is special … or why they miss it …
directing focus to Iceland, not postcrossing.

What do you think?

… one more thing came up: Iceland has about as many inhabitants like my hometown area - about 300.000 peple.
Is there any statistic about how many postcrossers per 100.000 inhabitants a country has?
And where in this ranking would Iceland be?
Is there any kind of best or smallest or … any record (the crazier the better) Iceland already holds on postcrossing? I’m not a fortune teller, but I guess it would be of interest to Icelandic media.

And one more: Is there any Icelandic postcrosser reading the Icelandic newspaper and reporting if there has been an article?

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I know, May is just over, but a Postcrossing admin gave me the Link :slight_smile:
I dont know if that was proposed already, but I think, it would be a good Idea, if the users, that want to join in this challenge, mention the adress, to which they send a card, so we can make sure, its a bit balanced and not for example one adress gets all the postcards, you know what I mean :)?

So, a couple of months have passed, without great results… but I think I’m up for giving it another try with a different country in July/August. :muscle: Someone suggested Norway, which sounds like a good idea to me! @Norway_girl would you be able to guide us through the most popular media outlets in your country, if I start the topic?


I think that is a good idea. I think I can make same postcard about some popular media of my country(like China Radio International, CGTN and People’s Daily) and some of the big events being held in my country(like some events about The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China).

Sure I can!


I wouldn’t do it July, though. Slow news month, so lots of people will be on holiday in media businesses as well.

I would suggest focusing on Norge Rundt, a TV program on the national broadcaster. They followed a postman around only a couple weeks ago, and from an archive search they’ve done that a few times.

The great thing about that show is that they might make a short feature on someone, but if you can get them really interested and find a Postcrosser to participate in the Bergen region (where the show is produced) you might get a lot more exposure by being the person they follow between the other features.

In 2016, they had about 800.000 viewers every week, and I imagine the numbers are still high, if not this high.

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This can actually be a good thing! In our experience over the years, we’ve noticed the media is usually more interested in “feel-good” projects like Postcrossing when there’s less of other, more important news to focus on. Summer tends to be the time when all the “postcards are disappearing, but there’s this project…” kind of articles are published. :woman_shrugging:

Thank you for the tip about Norge Rundt too — let’s include them in the challenge, if we can find their contacts.



A radioprogramma as postcrossing user!
Might be working well all around the globe.

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I think their address may be the most well known in the country, as it’s mentioned by cute children every episode.

Norge Rundt
5020 Bergen

Maybe send it FAO Wendla Black Ndiaye, as she is head of production.

Ok, July is here and the new challenge is live! :tada:

Let’s go find those Norwegian media contacts and start lovingly spamming them with postcards. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

PS - In order to reduce confusion, I’m going to close this topic now. I’ll reopen it if there are news to share!