Cracker Barrel

I sometimes see posts saying they buy cards at Cracker Barrel, but mine does not have any and they are not listed on the website. Just curious if yours does and if so, what type of cards? Local or something old fashioned?


We don’t have a Cracker Barrel in town, but the last one I was in (Pueblo, CO) had Lantern Press Colorado themed cards.

I’m surprised they dont have their own line featuring nostalgic images!

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I wish they would produce recipe/food cards!
I checked at one where we ate recently: no postcards.


Yes :raised_hands: in Charleston West Virginia they do
However they just carry state cards however there unique

I work at Cracker Barrel, and every time I went in, I didn’t see any postcards. Only folded greeting cards, unfortunately.

Edit on August 14, 2021 -
After work today, I actually found some postcards there! They were hidden in a little souvenir section that was hard to see. The cards themselves were on a wooden rack-like contraption that rolls sideways, so sometimes the cards are rolled towards the wall where no one can see them.

They’re Lantern Press postcards, and they had 8 different designs (all relating to Massachusetts) – I bought one of each! They’re 49 cents, so a decent price :slight_smile:


I have found them at times while traveling, but usually the store will only carry 2 to 4 various cards, not a lot of variety. But it usually a card that identifies with the specific state or area. So I am able to pick up a couple of unique ones from time to time.

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Many stores stopped carrying them. But from time to time, you can find them on eBay:

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Wow…they should sell those again!

Yes - Nashville TN area CBs have Lantern Press cards.

The Cracker Barrel closest to us is just over the SC/NC border. They carry about 4 different Lantern Press postcards. One of Charlotte and the others say South Carolina. They have had different ones over the years. They’re also right near a large amusement park. So I guess location of the Cracker Barrel will play a role in if they carry postcards or not. I usually find them tucked away in a corner by the books and mini home decor, not obvious.

If I ever am able to travel to the USA again I will be putting a visit to a Cracker Barrel on my to do list

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I like the food and they sell a lot of stuff but it’s just too cluttered to actually see anything. They could have a postcard rack but it would be almost impossible to find. But it’s such an old fashioned place I’d expect them to have postcards…they are missing a golden opportunity!

My local ones used to have them. The last time I went in they were all out. Which stinks because that was my main source for postcards!

I also have had a lot of trouble finding any at the Cracker Barrels in Georgia (even pre-pandemic). It seems to be hit or miss now at all Cracker Barrels.

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Excellent score!!

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I did find some Lantern Press cards at an IN CB…wooden souvenir rack with state magnets etc near the counter. Just 1 design but $.59

My CB recently put all of the Lantern Press postcards at 25% off. I’m assuming that means they are getting rid of them all. I bought a lot, but didn’t clean them out just in case someone else happened to be looking for some. I’m bummed though!!

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I bought 8 copies of the Indiana one but with my luck I won’t draw an official that wants one!

If you don’t, I’m sure several of us would swap with you for one, haha!
I still have a bunch of South Carolina ones I bought last time I was in Cracker Barrel months ago.

I’m going to suggest to my husband that we go eat at Cracker Barrel tomorrow. :laughing: