Countdown To 71 Million Registered Postcards

  1. Sometimes people are quite stubborn to my surprise :slight_smile:
  2. The closer we are to the Moment of Truth, the stronger the influence of the error, as I consider the ratio of error to distance. Accordingly, the smaller the distance (in the denominator), the smaller the error should be. And, if the participant is really good at counting or thinking about their bet, then their result will improve.
  3. Previously, I calculated the average value of these ratios for all bets of the participant. But this is a very harsh approach, it is good in an environment of trained analysts. It does not forgive mistakes. So now I just choose the best ratio. This is a less strict approach. One good turn can fix the situation. But, of course, you need to think carefully about this turn.
  4. The more predictions a participant makes, the more objectively this criterion reveals really talented predictors.
    For example, I noticed a long time ago that @Florallle makes amazing predictions. At least she is always in the top five. I also love the way @jabuka (previously @catinboots) plays. I am following @Stevyy with great interest. But in fact, each participant has their own handwriting in decision-making.

But I can definitely say that the number of participants in the countdown threads is growing.
People are fascinated by the opportunity to catch luck by the tail :slight_smile:


If only surprising stubbornness would exist in this game alone. Here it costs a (precious) card - in other areas it costs lives after lives after lives.

:sun_with_face: :peace_symbol: :peace_symbol: :sun_with_face:

The seasonal (or post-seasonal) slowdown is here, in my data, but less dramatic than expected.

Three quarters done,
237,543 to go

21st of March, 2023 - Equinox
03:21 UTC

a card from MA to rCH

(15.03 15:03)


I would be happy to predict when all this horror will end, but such things are difficult to analyze.
I hope :pray: that soon.

What is it?

Stefan, do you already have an idea for 72 million?
I have got one. And I can’t wait to share it :slight_smile:

It would be possible, of course, to have two or three threads with countdowns at the same time, although of course this is some departure from the established rules.
And it can break the usual sequence. So I will wait patiently :slight_smile:


It should not too long :wink:

I like @Stevyy guess for 21 March, because of the beginning of astronomical spring. :tulip:

I adjust my guess to 18 March


The beauty is that the intervals between millionth milestones are not constant. They currently swing between 64 and 78 days. And during the covid period, there was once even 99 days. And it is quite difficult to catch reliably the next one in advance.

⚠️ The LifeHack for those who are too lazy to collect data and analyze trends :) ⚠️

The easiest, but not flexible, way to predict the next milestone is to simply add 76 days to the date of the last one.
This LifeHack will work great up to the level of 77 million.

If you use this LifeHack immediately after completing the last millionth level, then the angular deviation of your prediction will always be less than 7° and the error will not exceed 5-6 days guaranteed.


Northern spring, Southern autumn, to be globally correct :man_student::man_student::sunglasses::woman_student::woman_student:


I will do my 3rd prediction – March 14, 19:52 (UTC)

Let’s look closer.

Once again, I emphasize that this is my predictive hypothesis. And the reality may be different. I’m posting this just as an idea.

77.7% of the way behind.
~223,100 postcards and about 15.41 days left to go :slight_smile:


I’m going to change my guess and be quite optimistic (for once).


FI to NL ?


You moved closer to a group of swimmers in striped swimsuits :slight_smile:


Current rolling calculation and visualization update.

Now and in the coming days, we will receive an average of 14,200 registrations per day.
Given that we have 190,000 registrations left, that’s about 13.38 days in days.
A rough calculation gives 14 March 21:00.
As an idea for those who don’t want to puzzle over my pictures :slight_smile:


I would also like to give a tip:
16.3. , 8:12 p.m


This is what my Magic Crystal Ball is telling me now.

We have completed 89.3% of the way.
It left to go 107,300 postcards = 7.51 days.

The current rate of postcard registrations per day is like this:

Day Postcards per day
March 7, 2023 Tue 16,660
March 8, 2023 Wed 16,370
March 9, 2023 Thu 14,580
March 10, 2023 Fri 14,420
March 11, 2023 Sat 12,160
March 12, 2023 Sun 9,530
March 13, 2023 Mon 12,610
March 14, 2023 Tue 17,530

Ooh, it’s going to be close!


I think I need to change my prediction: it will happen on March, 9, 12:30 pm


Isn’t it too early?
Please look at the picture – I marked your previous prediction and the new one with a blue arrow.


I’m just guessing :grinning:


I have now tried again with mathematics. Based on the evaluation of greenskull, I will change my prediction again.
March 14 5:32 pm
@Greenskull Thank you for your calculations


Average = March 14, Tue 04:42
Median = March 14, Tue 19:52
Mode = March 14, Tue 22:09

If we accept that the Moment of Truth is precisely the median of all our predictions (and it coincides with my own forecast), then the angular deviations of the participants will be as follows:

Participant of Countdown Smallest Angular Deviation Theta, (°)
@greenskull 0,00
@fiwipa 0,03
@jabuka 0,36
@Florallle 0,59
@Hobbyhistoriker 0,76
@VanCity95 0,88
@xxxxyyyyzzzz 0,90
@Silpa 1,18
@_zahra_ 1,53
@Herbstsommerwind 2,33
@reiselustig 2,44
@nnniiina 3,23
@Shalottslady 3,53
@tesc 3,70
@jettyb 3,98
@GrauBunt 4,72
@Stevyy 5,43
@thibcabe 5,64
@Captain-Colin 6,15
@HM 6,71
@Bibiqueen 8,58
@Jarana 12,54
@manuchka 14,74
@ChocCrossie 15,18
@Telopea 16,88
@danay4 18,69
@IrinaPiccolina 21,99

Let’s see :slight_smile:

PS Please perceive my evaluations as hints, but nothing more.
Since the future is uncertain. I can only calculate it with some degree of reliability using all sorts of mathematical tricks. But any forecast is always only a hypothesis.


I apologize for being late.
Happy Birthday, @paulo!
My best wishes to you! :slight_smile:


So, but what if German post is going to strike forever from Friday on? :wink: :innocent:
Would your prediction still be correct or would it cause a huge effect? (Maybe the 71 would occurr much faster, because everybody else is taking the chance to not send cards to Germany and send much more :grin: Sorry, just a little joke about my country.)


Don’t worry we love sending cards to Germany. Postcrossers there are pleasant/dont make too many demands on their profiles & cards are normally fairly fast so we get to send another quicker. I had repeat countries on for a while to get my numbers up until the world :earth_americas: changed…