Corfe Castle Meet-up - Saturday 19 October 2024

Just checked and this meet-up is on the calendar…:smiley:

Thank you @Mundoo. :blush::gift_heart:


Yayyyy! :partying_face:

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Please would you add me as a maybe? I will be driving down to south Devon that day and maybe able to call in as I’m going past!


I would be bringing two teenagers. We’d be up for the castle but probably not a full meal in the pub as two out of three of us are vegan, one is vegetarian and two out of three of us have very restricted preferences generally. Basically, we are the nightmare dinner party guests! So, we could come in and I could join the singing but hopefully it wouldn’t affect your booking for lunch…?

I’m sorry, I’d missed this meetup entirely until today!


Nothing would do that!! :wink::laughing:

Added you as a ‘maybe’ as requested. :grin:

As I said above :arrow_up:…. Corfe Castle Meet-up - Saturday 19 October 2024 - #16 by TeaCakesAndBooks ……the pub is big, so we should fit, but we might have to spread out onto several tables. :upside_down_face:


Thank you. I really think it could work out so very much hope to join you. Thank you for organising it!

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There’s going to be singing??!! :rofl:


Thank you, but it’s very much a joint venture - I have had a lot of help! :grin:


Oops. :flushed: You definitely would not want us to do any singing.


@TeaCakesAndBooks Ok, I’ve checked a few things and so, traffic/car dependent - I’m a definite for the meetup if that is ok with your numbers.

Please could I order ten cards?

I’m really looking forward to it!


Could I be added as a Maybe please,

I’ll order five postcards too! :blush:


You can sing if you want to @jobloggs…. all talents are welcome at this meet-up! :grin::smirk:XXX


Ha ha that isn’t a talent of mine! :wink: xxx


Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meet-up and thank you in advance.

Hi @livi16! Thank you for your interest. I have added you to our swaps list in the original post. :arrow_up::grinning:

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Can I have 10 postcards and 10 postcards to @anon59326037, please?

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Hey, any chance you’ve got room for more (2 people)? Would love to go to this, hope I’m not too late

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PM received 26/06/2024 from @meiadeleite:


I’m the community manager here at Postcrossing. I’m writing to let you know that we’ll soon be upgrading the forum software to its latest version, and unfortunately, one of the things that will stop working on this transition is the events plugin. This plugin was developed by someone who gave up on developing it, and over time it became incompatible with the latest versions of the software.

One of the consequences of this is that the RSVP feature of the forum (which you’re using on the meetup above) will soon stop working. Therefore, we ask you to please copy the participants to a post on the topic itself until the end of the week. You can edit that post to update the list as you go, as more people indicate their intention to participate (or give up participation) on the topic itself.

I know this is more trouble for you as an organizer, and I apologize for the inconvenience. :frowning: If you have questions, please let me know — I’m here to help.

Kind regards”

As I understand it, I just have to put the list of attendees into a post, so……


  1. @TeaCakesAndBooks - 20 cards
  2. @jobloggs - 20 cards
  3. @TinyMouse - 10 cards
  4. @JennyAssis + 1 - 10 cards
  5. @anon59326037 - 10 cards
  6. @geo_ - 10 cards
  7. @moonraker_girl - 15 cards
  8. @Lissy99 - 15 cards
  9. @Potatosium - 25 cards
  10. @tanzianne - 12 cards
  11. @mwntimperial + 2 - 10 cards
  12. @bonbon + 1 - ?? cards
  13. @MiddLin - 5 cards

[01/07/2024 - Peeps running total = 17 (Note to self: table originally booked for ten - may have to book more spaces).]

[01/07/2024 - Postcard running total = 167]


  1. @Maddymail - 5 cards

Please can @Mundoo let me know if there is anything else I need to do if I have misunderstood the message! :crazy_face: Thank you!:pray:

(Not gonna lie, my first thought was “OMG, Queen @meiadeleite is actually coming to our meet-up!!!” :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:)


Oh, I wish I could attend! :slight_smile: It sounds brilliant!

You understood the assignment and did everything perfectly — with bonus points for speed! :partying_face:


When you get a message from the boss, you need to respond in good order!!! :saluting_face: :joy:

Thank you for confirming that I understood correctly! :grin::gift_heart:

You would absolutely be welcome! :hugs: