Copenhagen meet-up for World Postcard Day on October 1st, 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Copenhagen, Denmark
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Gudrun’s Goodies
:calendar: DATE: October 1st, a Tuesday
:alarm_clock: TIME: 16/16:30 - 18 o’clock, come when you like. Once we’re closer, I’ll write out to the participants, to see if people want to join for dinner.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Drink tea/coffee/chocolate/etc., eat food if you like, and write postcards.

There will be a postcrossing meet-up for the World Postcard Day on October 1st 2024, a Tuesday, in Copenhagen, and you’re more than welcome to join, or to request swaps with one of the participants (just write below, and hopefully a participant will answer you). If you wish to join, feel free to write below and I’ll get in touch, or you can write directly to me.

The intention for this meet-up isn’t to replace the now annual meet-up in Copenhagen, but is an addition for WPD.

Our next step is to design a beautiful postcard, though not until this year’s WPD theme has been announced. I’ll be ordering postcards a month or so in advance, and will write out to all attendees for how many they want, and I can order both the meet-up card and the official WPD cards.

Currently attending (we have a max of 16, so if you don’t know if you can attend, consider signing up as a maybe):

  1. @VilhelmR
  2. @mishka_skriver
  3. @allwinnsomestamps
  4. @ahmetone
  5. @Monanda
  6. @bencoste
  7. @gforp
  8. @Burak01


  1. @marble_wings

Also, if you’re not aware, it’s worth keeping in mind that sending a postcard from Denmark is 50 DKK a piece (€6,71). Remember that it’s not against the rules to send your postcards from elsewhere , I send mine from Germany.


Great location! I’ll be there :blush:


I’ll join too :smiley:


Hej Vilhelm,

again a meeting in Copenhagen this year - again I would like to join. Count me in please! :fist_right::fist_left::smirk:


Hej Vilhelm,
I would like to join the meeting!
Hilsen fra Maren (mp26)


Count me in also :slight_smile:

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I would like very much to join you on this event

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I would like to join this event.

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Can hardly wait :grinning: Ready !


Just received a message from Burak who would also like to join.


Thanks a mil for the invite. Great idea :slightly_smiling_face: Since I might not be in Denmark in October because of family duties it’s a maybe from me.

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Perhaps I can take part in your meetup. But in my years, you are always nur sure, that it will be possible. But I need a recommendation, whre too sleep not to expensive.
My offer is: to bring enough stamps with me (or to send them), to write a lot of cards. After return to Germany I will send the cards immediately. So you will save 5/6. Good news, although I can’t come, Burak can bring the cards “home”
What do you think?
This year German post has the following 95-stamps:

But it is always the 85-stamps with 10-stamps. Choose. I buy the stamps you like.

Best wishes og en masse forventning

Rainer from Hamburg

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I’ve signed you up now, and if you can’t come, just let me know :slight_smile:.

@MP26 @NOE6ACV have both come from abroad before for a Copenhagen meet-up, so maybe they can advice :slight_smile:.


Hello @dualipa43, would you like to join?

I am sorry, but my plans have changed. I have no time on the 1. of october. Have a lot of fun!!

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See you some other time hopefully :blush:

Could I swap any cards from this meetup?


This answer maybe a bit off-topic, but I think it fits here quite well.

I’m a Postcrosser from neighboring Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany.

I was really shocked when I heared about the new Danish postage rates valid from 2024. Yesterday I told my wife (also a Postcrosser) about that and she had the idea of trying to support the Danish community a bit. Sure: Denmark is a bit wealthier and (officially) more happy than Germany but surely that’s not valid for everybody.

We think Postcrossing should be affordable for everyone regardless of personal income. Surely the wages paid in DK are higher (but you pay higher taxes, not mentioning the price of a car) but surely far away from the factor of 7 - what makes the difference of the international postage rates: 0.95 EUR / 7.10 DKK in Germany 6.71 € / 50.00 DKK in Denmark. That’s not social. That’s not fair.

I know and understand the reasons for the high prices in Denmark. There’s much less paper mail in your country per capita and so every letter has to be more expensive to cover the total costs for keeping up a nationwide mail service. I think at your’s no-one has to send letters to authorities, insurances and whatsoever anymore, you surely can do everything online.
For comparison: German authorities love paper! If you hear a joke about digital backwardness in Germany … well … mostly they’re no jokes, that’s all true. You like a little example: I work for a small branch of the German social insurance (approx. 450 employees) and we still have 50+ active faxmachines (ask your grandparents what that was) although every employee has access to the internet a personal e-mail-address. But in a lot of branches not every digital format has a legal valid status. What follows? Paper, pen, stamp (the more, the better)!
But we don’t stick to everything oldfashioned: Wax seals and blood signatures have been abolished last year along with the witch burnings. Also telegrams and Telex service is no longer available.

Too much? OK … Back to what it’s about:
Our idea is to give Postcrossers from Denmark the opportunity to send their postcards via Germany. Okay … if you live in Tønder or Padborg ist an easy to do this yourself, you’re for shopping south of the border at least once a month anyway :wink:. But from Aalborg or København it’s quite a long way.
Collect your cards, stuff them in a big envelope and send them to us. When they arrive, we calculate the postage (for standard sized, rectangular cards *** it’s: Germany 70 cent, global 95 cent - we definitively don’t want to make any profit on that), I tell you by E-Mail how much the total postage will be, you pay by PayPal and I send your cards next day. As German stamps are trackable online (until they leave Germany) I’d send you the tracking codes if you like.

If I read it correctly on “” you can send a letter with a weight of 100g for 50.00 DKK, no matter what size. Fully loaded that should hold 13-15 standard postcards (or 40 cards in a 250g letter at 100.00 DKK). So you can save up to around 5.00 EUR / 37.00 DKK per card.

What do you think about our suggestion?

Kind greetings from next door and always HAPPY POSTCROSSING

G & I

Some simple rules from “Deutsche Post / DHL” apply, like min./max. sizes and so on. We tell you on demand.

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Thank you for the kind offer, and maybe someone will take you up on it :slight_smile:. We usually have at least one German join the meetups, and they always end up forwarding a lot of postcards.


That’s a general and unlimited offer. Not just for that single meetup :grinning:.

So you can share it in the Danish PC Community … if there’s something like that. The money you all can safe is surely better invested in nice pastry, tea and coffee.

Kind greetings from my office in grey and rainy Hamburg.


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