Come celebrate my 15th Postcrossingversary! - Oslo, 14th November 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Oslo
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hotel Bristol, Kristian IVs gate 7, 0164 Oslo
:calendar: DATE: 14. November 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 5 PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: writing postcards and drinking hot chocolate

THIS MEETUP IS IN 2024 :stopwatch:
I hope you will join me on this special day, drinking hot chocolate, for those who want to, and of course writing some postcards.
Hotel Bristol is quite famous for their hot chocolate :heart_eyes: Oslos beste kakao
As for now, I don’t plan on making a special card for this meetup.
I will book a table in Vinterhaven for us when the date gets a bit closer, and I know how many are interested in coming :slight_smile:

Attendees and possible attendees:

  1. Tanumine
  2. KAS
  3. mikebond
  4. marit_la
  5. LeishaCamden
  6. postboo
  7. Herkenbe
  8. Inger71
  9. Baguetta

I’m definitely onboard with some long-term planning :smile: See you there!

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I would love to join, too! It would be a great chance to visit Norway and see you guys again. But November 2024 is still so far ahead that I can’t say if I’ll be able to attend… I still hope I will. :slight_smile:


Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

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I will of course be there! :partying_face:

This sounds so koselig, but unfortunately one of my exams starts the day after so I have to be at home for that :sweat_smile:

Congrats on your 15th anniversary :partying_face:

And now I read that it is in 2024!! :joy:

Ok, sign me up, I have no idea what I’ll be doing in November 2024, so might as well plan this into my calendar already :joy:

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I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t notice that right away either. :joy:


Who plans 13 months ahead? :joy:

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@Mundoo - it looks like you’re in the same club as @postboo and me who didn’t notice that the meetup is in 2024, as it’s listed in the meetup calendar as being in 2023. Is there a chance you can correct that?

Someone is better at planning well in advance than others, it seems :smile:



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I know, maybe I’m a bit different :see_no_evil: But if I didn’t make a plan for this now, chances are really big for the occasion just slipping my mind. And now everyone get a chance to think it over and still have time to plan and maybe save up for a trip they might not have made on shorter notice :innocent:


Ahh, I have fixed the calendar entry to 2024. Thanks for drawing my attention to the year.


I would be glad to join in Oslo.
I am from Hannover, Lower Saxony.


You are very welcome! :smiley: Shall I add you to the attending list then?

Yes, please add me tobthem List.

14 Nov 2024 is a thursday , that is ok, right?

Yes, correct. It’s a Thursday. So most of us Norwegians will be at work until 4:00-4:30 PM-ish, but will be at the location shortly after that :slight_smile: I will reserve a table in my name when we get closer to November.


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I’m planning to join :blush:

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