Come celebrate my 15th Postcrossingversary! - Oslo, 14th November 2024

Yay! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello Tanumine,
I would like to join you at Hotel Bristol 14th of November.


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Hello :slight_smile:
You are very welcome!
I will add you to the attending list :+1:

May I join?

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Yes, you are very welcome! :smiley:
Iā€™ll add you to the list.

:warning:UPDATE :warning:
Iā€™ve been in touch with the restaurant. It turns out they have fixed reservation slots. So this meetup now starts 17:45 and we have 2 hours at our disposal.

Evening guests are not required to buy food. So feel free to order food and/or beverages as you please :smiley: They have shared the evening meny with me (and there might be minor alterations). Itā€™s in Norwegian, though. I havenā€™ found it online, but I guess Google might be of help if Norwegian is not your language. If you do have food allergies they assured me that they have options :slight_smile:

We can of course meet up before this, and do some postcard shopping perhapsā€¦? If you want to, of course. Otherwise, just be at the restaurant a bit before 17:45 :slight_smile:

I like to meet you for Shopping the cards also before meetingtime at Restaurant.
Feel free to Tell here were I can find you.
Best regards

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Also happy to do some card shopping first :blush:

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I will post here some days before the meetup where we can meet :slight_smile:

If I am in Oslo area then, I will come

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Itā€™s a Thursday, Tronsmo is open late on Thursdays :smiley:

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