Color and Post!

I would like to send my latest postcard to 10 random Postcrossers all you have to do is color it in and decorate it however you like. Let’s have fun and get creative once you are done coloring. Post your postcard fill the word bubble with whatever you wanna say. Any takers?


I’m in)

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I’d love to recieve this :smiley:

And I think my friend @kampfetka might be interested too :blush:


Yep, I’m in!
Cause I like both robots and coloring :star_struck::heart_eyes:
Thank you, Eva @lauranalanthalasa :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Awesome! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Where shall I mail your postcard?

Once you P.M. your address I will mail it out today!
Best Wishes

UPDATE! I will send 2 postcards that way you can share one.

I’d love to color the card in and send it back!

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Yes please! :partying_face:

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Hi I will send you 2 cards one for you and one to send to someone else.
then post it so we can see what you colored. send me your address and I will mail it out today.
Cheers Charlie

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No problem I will mail it out today!
send me your address and thanks for participating.
Cheers Charlie

Very nice postcard. I’ll join in. Pm sent.

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If there’s one left I’d really like to join too :slight_smile:

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Sending PM

:raising_hand_woman: I’m in if you have one more card , thank you!

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I’m in as well if you have any left… will send you my address via PM :grinning:

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You are the 10th he postman picked up todays postcards so I will send it out Tomorrow.
Cheers Charlie


I’m in!!

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Mariam Ortega

Address removed by the Administrator. Please exchange addresses via the private mail system.

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