{Closing} High School Students in Texas, USA Studying German

Update: The school year ends late May. I am “closing” the request to make sure postcards do not get lost over the summer. Thank you to everyone that sent a card. I am still a new postcrosser, but this community has been so generous and kind!

Greetings Postcrossing Community!

As a former educator I love this forum and have enjoyed sending educational postcards in my short time as postcrosser.
I reached out to my son’s German teacher and she is interested in receiving postcards written in German.
The students are aged 14 to 18. There are four levels of German with a beginning (first time exposure) class to the Advanced Placement class. Many students at our school have not traveled beyond our community or out of the state. I think receiving postcards from Germany or from anywhere if you speak German would be exciting for them.

If you are interested please private message me or leave a reply for the school’s address.

Thank you in advance!


Maybe a post also in the “German-Deutsch” subforum will help. :slightly_smiling_face::+1: We also have members from Austria and Switzerland there. :smiley:

If you give me the address I am happy to send a card. :smiley::de:


What a great idea! I’d love to send a card, please PM me the address!

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Thank you for the suggestion. Is it okay to post in English in that forum?

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I found the visitor’s section of German-Deutsch that does have English posts. Thank you again for the suggestion. ~M

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What a great idea, I’d love to send one :blush:

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Great idea. Please let me know the address.

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Yes, I meant in the visitor’s section there. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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I just live down the street in Austin (howdy neighbor), but I travel to Germany often and would love to send the class a card written in German from Germany :smiley: I will be there in 2 weeks.


The Union has announced further Postal strikes in Germany Yesterday. :slightly_frowning_face:
So cards from Germany to the U.S. could travel longer than usual.

Should there be the Postal strikes then, it might be faster to take the written card back to the U.S. with you and send it directly from there.

I can post here when the strikes have started again. :neutral_face:

I am getting mail rather promptly from Bartko Reher :sweat_smile: also I haven’t noticed any issues from Lower Saxony, are the strikes only affecting some states? Hopefully no airline strikes again in the near future.


At the Moment there are no strikes and/or you were lucky because the Mail went from Berlin directly to the U.S. by Airmail. :wink::airplane:

It depends where the Union calls people to strike. And if the International Mail Centre (IPZ) at Frankfurt Airport is affected.
The Problem with the “new strikes” will be that they will be “without an end”. When more details are announced I will post it here.

I live in Baden Württemberg and I was affected by the past strikes.

Dear Michelle,
I would like to send a postcard. Please let me know the address. Thank you!

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I would like to sent a postcard too.
Could I get the adress please by PN.

Greetings, Biggie

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My card went into the mail today. :slightly_smiling_face::postbox:
Safe travels. :airplane:

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Since today my card is also travelling.
Pleasant journey :wave: .

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What a nice Idea!!
I would like to Send a postcard in german if you give me the adress!!!:hugs:


The Union is currently holding a vote among the postal workers whether a new strike is to be held.

I hope it goes favorably for all parties.

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