{Closing} High School Students in Texas, USA Studying German

Update: Frau Biles has told me she has started to receive cards. She is going to send me photos and I will post when I get them. Thank you, again!


Hi! Are postcards in German still wanted? I’d be happy to send one!


Here are few of the cards received so far. :slight_smile:


I hope, my card has been received as well. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

I just heard on TV that the postal workers have voted for a strike “without end”.
I will let you know here when I hear more.

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Oh no! I assume that effects the local mail as well as international?
I will check if it arrived after the spring break next week. Schools are closed for the week. Teachers need the rest for sure!

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It depends where exactly the workers will go on strike, e.g. in the German Mail Centres and/or the International Mail Centres, e.g. at Frankfurt Airport. No news about that yet. I will keep you informed here.

Thanks for the info about the break. I am sure teachers will have needed it. :wink::sunglasses:

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As an example:
My Mail from here abroad goes to one German Mail Centre in Mannheim and then to the International Mail Centre at Frankfurt Airport. :airplane:
Normally. :wink:

Good news: :smiley:
the last negotiations were successful. :smiley::+1:
There will be no strike for some time now. :slight_smile:

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any news? :slightly_smiling_face:

More were received. My son forgot to take photos. He will be in German class again on Tuesday. :slight_smile: He said the teachers shows them under the document camera onto a screen the whole class can see and read together.


That’s great news. :smiley::+1:
Some photos would be nice so we can see whose cards have already been received. :+1:
It would also be interesting to know how many cards from Austria and Switzerland have been received. :slightly_smiling_face::austria::switzerland:

Greetings from Thuringia, middle of Germany. I would also like to send a postcard so please send me the adress via PM/Email.

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Love your pfp!!!

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Thanks :blush:

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eine wunderbare Idee, da mache ich gerne mit!
Viele Grüße!

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Good morning! Update on cards received.
(My teen took the photos)
Note from the teacher: Also, I’ve been getting a lot of postcards. I am sharing these on random days with the students. I really appreciate you signing me up for this!


hey there! I would send a card :slight_smile:

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Hi, i sent you an envelope with some cards from Vienna ( austria.Question: did it arrive?

I will have my son ask/check on Monday or Tuesday. They are on a block schedule so they do four classes one day and four classes the next. I believe he has German on Monday. ~Michelle

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The envelope has arrived! :slight_smile: