[closed - winner picked] 400+ postcards to one lucky USA postcrosser

Giving away my massive collection - I only want to occasionally send cards so I’m not looking to house a crazy big collection anymore (small house - no room)

I have yet to count them all up but I’m guessing I have at least 400 unwritten brand new cards possibly more - will update with actual number later

Going to leave this open for 2-3 days & have my family random pick a winner (we’ll go by post number - it will be fair)

Must be in USA
Because international shipping would be crazy
Plus I have a prepaid priority mail box already ready to go

Please send me nothing back in return
I’m going thru treatment at the hospital
My immune system is low
I’m not allowed to receive mail
Only send
Doctors orders
Thank you!

Im trusting you with my house address
(It’s on the priority mail box)
Don’t make me regret this
Please honor my wishes or I could get very ill or die
It’s that serious
Thank you :heart:

If you read all this and agree
Please post your favorite animal
That will enter you in the giveaway

Also please be kind
I’ve been bullied here for being autistic & disabled so I’m very shy


So sorry to hear you’re ill. my favorite animals are cats. Thank you for your generosity.

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i’m sorry that you are not feeling well - wishing you a speedy recovery :two_hearts:

and :turtle:!

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I am sorry to hear about your sickness. But this giveaway makes you feel free and happy I will be delighted to take up your offer.
Praying for a quick recovery.

My favorite animal is DOG (HUSKY)
I am currently in San Jose (California)
Thank you.


I wish you comfort and peace during this challenging time. :heart: I love bats the most. :bat:

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It will thank you dear! The idea of my cards finding happy homes and not ending up in a landfill brings me peace :heart: (Part of my autism is getting attached to things and assigning them human feelings :rofl::woman_facepalming: I know it’s silly but I feel like my cards would be lonely or sad in the trash)

P.s. don’t forget your favorite animal :wink:

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I’m sorry to read of your illness, and I wish you comfort. I’m sure your cards will find a happy home.

My favorite animal is a deer.

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It’s my pleasure :heart: Your doing me a big favor! You guys are making sure my house is clutter free and my cards are happy

& thank you for the kindness about my health - the illness is from a genetic disorder (just gotta deal the best I can)

Kitties are awesome by the way :smile_cat:
Great choice
(Kitty was my first word as a baby lol. I’ve always liked animals more than people. Well that sounds bad. I just mean I’ve found animals them easier to interact with & bond to. I love people too :heart:)


Take care! I hope you will get well very very soon! :sunflower:

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Ah great choice! Huskies are hilarious! There is this one on Instagram I watch every day “Ghost” - his howl sounds like the music dubstep :rofl: I can’t have a bad day if I hear him. (His account is ghost.and.tommy if you want to listen)

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Thank you pammykay :heart: So sweet of you to say that. Great animal choice. Deer have such kind sweet faces. I wish I was healthy enough to go feed the city deer in Nara Japan (you can offer them sugar free “deer crackers”)

Thank you so much dear! It’s due to a genetic disorder so there is no cure but hopefully with my surgery & transfusions I’ll have a better quality of life.

Turtles are awesome - both ninja :wink: (my favorite is Donatello) and normal (my cousin still has his pet turtle he got for his 7th birthday. He’s 30 now :rofl:)

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Cozy healing thoughts your way :teapot:

Elephant for me. I love their matriarchal society, their long memory, their sense of humor, their absolute beast size compared to their gentleness

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Sorry to hear you are ill and best wishes that you may feel as well as possible.
I love most animals, but dogs would have to be a favorite. These two are my rescues and keep me very entertained! Their names are Thelma and Astrid.

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Take care and hopefully you feel better soon :slight_smile:
My favorite would be penguins! :penguin:

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Sorry for you’re being Bullied, community around here is very nice, wish you very fast recovery :slight_smile:
And best wishes from india)
I’m not USA,. but just wanna share this.
I would like if you send me some postcards
And yes, about my favourite animal – Dog is most faithful animal, i don’t have any , but i love to have one , also cats are so adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh my, so sad to hear this. We have swapped Native Am cards in the past. Hope you feel better soon!!
Favorite animal? Cats in general but my Siamese are quite special.

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Aww, Spriggs, I’m sorry to hear that. :frowning_face: :hugs: We all need to keep you safe. My favorite animal is the Quokka, they’re so adorable.


Hello! It might be easier to give you a list of a dozen favorite animals, but since I need to mention just one, I’ll make it dogs in general. :dog2:
Sending good wishes your way. Best to you!

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Thank you! I’m wrapped up cozy in a warm blanket sipping tea so it’s a good morning. Honestly any day I’m not stuck in the hospital is nice (I’ve spent 4 out of the last 7 days - ugh)

Yes! Elephants are the best! I love how they found they can give directions (pass down how to get to water holes their great grandmas used), hold funerals for their dead, & that their toddlers have epic meltdowns & tantrums too! :rofl: (when I was small I had epic tantrums. Big feelings in that little body)

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