[closed - winner picked] 400+ postcards to one lucky USA postcrosser

If I have to pick one favorite, I’ll say rats :mouse2: Here’s to a successful treatment and tidy house!

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Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. One of my grandchildren and a friend has autism so I kind of know a little of what you are going through with that part. Thank you for the the wonderful lottery.
My favorite animal is dachshunds. But I love all animals. I would talk to my dogs all the time. They just listen and never talk back.

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Thank you dear for the well wishes :crossed_fingers::pray: and for sharing your cute puppies! Adorable. I had a beagle that looked just like your Astrid. We called her Alice r Al for short. My mom and I liked to sing “Call me Al” to her :rofl:

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I love those cuties too! Plus hands down they have the best exhibit to visit in the summer (air conditioning ahhhh)

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Thanks dear! Unfortunately it’s a genetic disorder so it just gets worse as I age. There no cure but maybe they can get me a few more years with my family :crossed_fingers::pray::heart:

Sure I can send you a dog card
U2U me your address
& let me know if you want it written or unwritten

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It is very bad for you that you are sick. I am not eligible for these cards because I do not live in the USA. But still I want to leave a message.
And a picture of our favorite animal, our dog Max. We also often called him Fluff because of his cute fluffy tail. We still miss him…

I wish you all the best.
Receive a warm greeting from the Netherlands!


So sorry to hear about your illness. I hope your good days outweigh the bad. I have so many favorites when it comes to animals but i guess my absolute favorite would be dogs.

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Wish your as many memorable years possible with your family, and everyone love you

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Awww thank you dear! Hug. Unfortunately I’ve been sick since I was a baby (it’s a genetic thing) so I’m sadly use to it :rofl:

Thank you for sharing your lovely dog with me!
(He had the cutest tail)

I have some extra dog cards
I’d be happy to send you one written & stamped or unwritten in an envelope if you prefer! Just u2u me your address if that sounds good) :heart:

Thanks again for cheering me up

I moved the thread to the #communities:north-america, since you’re only giving away the postcards to others in USA.

I’m sorry to hear you’re ill! Offers {{{virtual hugs}}}, if you want them.


Oh thank you so much dear - for the kind wishes and e-hugs and for getting my thread to the right place! Sorry I picked the wrong place - blush
Thank you for your patience


No problem! :smile: After all, the thread was about postcards, so I understand why you placed it in the #trades-requests-offers:postcards section.


Lots of hugs :people_hugging: to you! My favorite animals are horses :racehorse:

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Lots of love to you, my dear! I am very sorry to hear of your sickness.
My favorite animals are dogs and cats…your “typical” pets.

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Hi, you bundle of sunshine! :four_leaf_clover:

First of all, I am so sorry to hear you aren’t well and I am sending you good vibrations from my home to yours. :orange_heart: I would love to receive some of your postcards as I often do ‘random acts of kindness’ to various people who need encouragements and supporting others helps with my own mental health.

PS. My favourite animal is a puffin! Their nicknames are sea parrots or even clowns of the sea. :sweat_smile:

Kim :love_letter: :postbox: :mailbox_with_mail:

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Sending you virtual infection-free hugs and buckets of comfort for everyday. I am happy to be considered for your generous offer! I admire your self-care motivation!

It’s not original, but I really love cats. All the ones I have had over the years have brought me so much joy. Here is a photo of Grace, who thinks she’s special, and she is. Like all cats.


Lots of eHug to you :blush:

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Hello Spriggan,

So sorry about the circumstances regarding this giveaway. Praying for peace, patience and courage for you…and wisdom for your doctors as they pursue treatments. You must have a beautiful heart to wish to share your beloved postcards. I know they will be loved in their new home and make someone very happy.

My favorite animals are the feral cats we feed.:heart:

Wishing you an unexpected joy!

Take Care,


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Thank you so much for the opportunity to receive your postcard collection! I love cats and just adopted a third - this is a picture of Barney. He has a very severe food allergy and was in bad shape at the shelter. I couldn’t leave him there and he seems happy now!
Whether you believe in prayers or not, I hope you know you now have so many people sending you them - and good wishes!
Take care - Tanya