[CLOSED for sign ups] šŸ’ NA Secret Valentine 2024 RR

:heart: :chocolate_bar: :champagne: :rose:

How it works


  • This is a secret cards RR, so you will not know, from who you will receive cards.
  • Open to all of North America, including territories. You can request any amount of cards up to a MAX of 15 (or maximum number based on how many participants we have).
  • This Secret Valentineā€™s RR will be a primarily postcards RR. You can also request greeting/folded cards, if you wish, but the sender is not required to send folded or greeting cards.*
  • This RR is not for handmade or touchnote cards, because most people do not like these. However, if someone requests handmade cards, feel free to make one and send it!
  • TO JOIN: :gift_heart: (closes February 1st, 2024)
  1. You send me a private message with your address and preferences (in 4-5 words) Please do not post here. As with the NA Secret Christmas RR, Iā€™d like for it to be a complete surprise!
  2. You are online around 1 February 2024.
  3. You can and will send out your cards in first days of February (be honest!)
  4. You must write here, when you send cards, but not to who. YOU MUST REPORT CARDS SENT!
  5. You must register here all your received cards. PLEASE, before joining be SURE you can update your received cards IN A TIMELY MANNER.
  6. You must write on the card, clearly, RR name and your username!
  7. Have fun with NA Secret Valentineā€™s RR :heart: :chocolate_bar: :champagne: :rose:

Updated: 29 Feb 2024

1. :gift_heart: uconn

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

14/14 Rec: ALL
  1. Annazon
  2. Hazygirl
  3. Michelle305
  4. CrimsonKing
  5. Calisunshine
  6. tia272
  7. jordynb
  8. YellowButterfly76
  9. ellistrations
  10. Dar
  11. mon23
  12. mere5oh
  13. Angeldreamer
  14. potatertot

2. :rose: Angeldreamer

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

14/14 Rec: ALL
  1. Michelle305
  2. MuttleysMom
  3. Annazon
  4. Calisunshine
  5. potatertot
  6. mere5oh
  7. ellistrations
  8. YellowButterfly76
  9. CrimsonKing
  10. Hazygirl
  11. jordynb
  12. uconn
  13. Dar
  14. mon23

3. :champagne: potatertot

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

9/10 Rec:
  1. Annazon
  2. Michelle305
  3. Hazygirl
  4. Calisunshine
  5. jordynb
  6. CrimsonKing
  7. mere5oh
  8. uconn
  9. Angeldreamer

4 :chocolate_bar: CrimsonKing

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

10/10 Rec: ALL
  1. potatertot
  2. Hazygirl
  3. uconn
  4. Annazon
  5. Michelle305
  6. Calisunshine
  7. jordynb
  8. Angeldreamer
  9. Dar
  10. mere5oh

5. :teddy_bear: Dar

Sent:ALL :gift_heart:

7/10 Rec:
  1. uconn
  2. Michelle305
  3. potatertot
  4. mere5oh
  5. jordynb
  6. CrimsonKing
  7. mon23

6. :love_you_gesture: Hazygirl

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

8/10 Rec:
  1. Annazon
  2. uconn
  3. Michelle305
  4. mere5oh
  5. Calisunshine
  6. jordynb
  7. Angeldreamer
  8. mon23

7. :bouquet: Cocosmom

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

4/4 Rec: ALL
  1. Annazon
  2. jordynb
  3. mon23
  4. Angeldreamer

8. :cupid: ellistrations

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

5/5 Rec: ALL
  1. uconn
  2. jordynb
  3. Annazon
  4. Calisunshine
  5. tia272

9. :star_struck: YellowButterfly76

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

4/5 Rec:
  1. Michelle305
  2. uconn
  3. Calisunshine
  4. jordynb

10. :kiss: MuttleysMom

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

6/5 Rec: ALL
  1. uconn
  2. Michelle305
  3. jordynb
  4. Angeldreamer
  5. Calisunshine
  6. tia272

11. :kissing_heart: jordynb

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

14/14 Rec: ALL
  1. mere5oh
  2. uconn
  3. potatertot
  4. CrimsonKing
  5. Michelle305
  6. Hazygirl
  7. Calisunshine
  8. Dar
  9. Annazon
  10. tia272
  11. mon23
  12. Angeldreamer
  13. YellowButterfly76
  14. Cocosmom

12. :tulip: mon23

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

10/10 Rec: ALL
  1. uconn
  2. potatertot
  3. MuttleysMom
  4. jordynb
  5. Annazon
  6. Michelle305
  7. Angeldreamer
  8. Dar
  9. Hazygirl
  10. tia272

13. :cupcake: Calisunshine

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

14/14 Rec: ALL
  1. potatertot
  2. Michelle305
  3. Annazon
  4. YellowButterfly76
  5. uconn
  6. mere5oh
  7. CrimsonKing
  8. jordynb
  9. Dar
  10. Angeldreamer
  11. ellistrations
  12. Hazygirl
  13. mon23
  14. Cocosmom

14. :heart_eyes: tia272

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

5/5 Rec: ALL
  1. Angeldreamer
  2. Michelle305
  3. MuttleysMom
  4. Annazon
  5. Calisunshine

15. :dizzy: Annazon

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

14/14 Rec: ALL :gift_heart:
  1. potatertot
  2. MuttleysMom
  3. uconn
  4. Hazygirl
  5. CrimsonKing
  6. ellistrations
  7. jordynb
  8. Dar
  9. mere5oh
  10. Michelle305
  11. Calisunshine
  12. mon23
  13. Angeldreamer
  14. Cocosmom

16. :wine_glass: Michelle305

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

14/14 Rec: ALL
  1. potatertot
  2. YellowButterfly76
  3. ellistrations
  4. Calisunshine
  5. MuttleysMom
  6. uconn
  7. Hazygirl
  8. jordynb
  9. mere5oh
  10. Annazon
  11. CrimsonKing
  12. Angeldreamer
  13. mon23
  14. Dar

17. :love_letter: mere5oh

Sent: ALL :gift_heart:

10/10 Rec: ALL
  1. Michelle305
  2. Calisunshine
  3. CrimsonKing
  4. Annazon
  5. Hazygirl
  6. uconn
  7. Cocosmom
  8. Dar
  9. Angeldreamer
  10. jordynb

Updated with 8 participants so farā€¦! :gift_heart:

Updated with 10 participants so farā€¦! :gift_heart:

Updated with 13 participants so farā€¦! :gift_heart:

Updated with 17 total participants! Joining window has closed.

Addresses to be sent soon - waiting on 1 participant. :gift_heart:

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Addresses have been sent!

Donā€™t forget to post when you sent your cards, but not to whom.

Please report received cards here with a little thank you message to your sender!

Have fun!




In an effort to get addresses out yesterday while battling a muscle strain in my back, I messed up on one members total send count. Therefore, 6 of you may be receiving a second card from me! I apologize for the mistake.



All of my cards are going out this afternoon :partying_face:

Thank you as always for all that you do Meredith :yellow_heart:


Woohoo, second person to post postcards sent! Safe travels! :minibus: Thanks again for hosting Meredith :slight_smile:

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My cards will go out tomorrow, 2/3! :heart: :cupid:

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Updated! :gift_heart:

Some went out today, but the rest are ready for Monday.

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All cards to be mailed Monday 2/5 :grinning:

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All cards are going out on Monday 2/5! :gift_heart:

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My cards will also mail tomorrow :slight_smile:

UPDATED! :gift_heart:

Mailing cards out tomorrow! :smiley:

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Cards in the mailbox for tomorrowā€™s pickup

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UPDATED :gift_heart:

Received the cute card on the left from #3 @potatertot and the pretty hearts card with amazing stamps and nice sticker on the right from#10 @MuttleysMom
thank you both very much :heavy_heart_exclamation: