🎄 CLOSED for JOINING - NA Secret Christmas RR 2021

All of my cards were sent today :christmas_tree:

I also received 3 cards:

@carolreader sent an antlered cat on the GoT throne :deer: :smile_cat:
@mere5oh sent lots of holly and sparkly washi :tophat:
@CrimsonKing sent a lovely traditional Christmas card with lots of stickers, and a nice gift of tea! :christmas_tree: :tea:

I can say that I have never received a more diverse group of cards! Thank you all!!


UPDATED! :santa:

@carolreader my best cat ever we watch him everyday.
Well said Garfield made my day. Thank you :blush:


Received from @mere5oh a Christmas Cooking & Celebration illustration. The only item I have not made is the Christmas pudding. Thank you for the festive card and enjoy the Luminaria Tour! I bet it will be gorgeous. :grinning:


Thanks to @normajean for the adorable Blue Cats card. It’s so funny, that I’m really not a „cat person“ but I just love these Blue Cats cards. I have not read “Beartown” books, I will have to look into them, thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks to @DCMdVa for the cute Winter village scene. I imagine Washington DC must look beautiful lit up at Christmas time.


Two cards received today! A festive snowman from @normajean with lovely hand drawn decorations on the back! And from @carolreader a young girl decorating Christmas cookies! Thank you both, merry Christmas!


Thank you NittanyLionRI, cute bunny ready for holiday festivities!


I’m so glad I checked my mailbox when turning in my apartment keys! Mail was supposed to be forwarded starting yesterday but the box was full of cards; including many for this RR.

@sraelling such a cute card and Idea! I might be stealing it!
@normajean love the snowman!
@Torchwood3 I don’t know the last time I actually went grocery shopping! My partner does it all and my parents hosted Thanksgiving!
@carolreader We had a “shorts and t-shirts” thanksgiving…as usual!
@teddypostcrossing I love the month of December as a school OT! So many crafts to choose from!
@NittanyLionRI Oh so many memories with the coca cola bear commercials!


Received two cards today!

@DCMdVa - Christmas Stitch, thank you! I love this card, so cute! I used to make gingerbread houses with my grandma, but we haven’t had a holiday with her in a long time (distance), so it’s now a fun pastime. She has her own family recipe for it and I miss the smells in the kitchen.

@NittanyLionRI - Holly Jolly Raccoon, thank you! Love your ornament traditions. Our tree is full of ornaments my mom made, gifts and ones my brother and I hand crafted in elementary school… oh, and my old pacifiers!


I have a little bundle of cards to report:

@dnrhott Thank you for the Dickensian Christmas card. I really like the stickers, tape and stamp, as well! Wishing you a season filled with good cheer!

@mere5oh Thank you for the Christmas sweater Winter card! I haven’t been to Durango in years! My younger son loved trains when he was little and would have loved the Polar Express train. Merry Christmas!

@Torchwood3 I really like these cozy little bears staying toasty with their hot cocoa. We all can hope to do the same this Winter! No snow here yet! It’s a big deal because it’s breaking records and there is concern about moisture in the mountains for skiing and water resources. It will probably be a snowy Spring. Thanks so much for the card!

@Susaninutah Thanks for the pretty Angel card! I like sending Christmas cards, too! This year I signed my Parents up for the Angel Card Project. They are living independently, but Covid has slowed them down a bit in terms of travel and such. On the first day, their mailbox was filled to the brim with cards! My Dad asked who these strangers were! Ha! I said to try to enjoy the cards!

@normajean Thank you for this sweet snowman card! Your handwriting is so lovely! Wishing you a season filled with good cheer! All the best in 2022!!

Thank you everyone! I look forward to hanging these on my garland!


A joyful bunny received from @teddypostcrossing and a Merry Slothmas received from @carolreader thank you both!


@DCMdVa what a lovely card cabin decoration so lovely truly lovely thank you.


I received 2 cards today!

@dnrhott sent a lovely home and white picket fence decorated for Christmas! And a Santa stamp, fun stickers, and washi
@DCMdVa sent “Owl be home for Christmas” - an owl Christmas card!! Also with stickers and washi, and Christmas stamps untouched by the USPS!!!

Thank you both!


Two Merry cards arrived today!
From Norma Jean, gingerbread making in a festive kitchen! I can almost smell the spices.
From carolreader, Victorian Christmas cats singing!
My cat only meows…all the time…


Found another Merry card tucked in the mail.
From dnrhott, beautiful Victorian house in winter, with overflowing mailbox!


@sraelling sent a lovely night snow forest card - so pretty! I am a huge Boston Bruins fan :black_heart::yellow_heart::black_heart::yellow_heart:Going to my first game in 2 years in mid-December​:ice_hockey: My son has played since he was 6 and still plays in a men’s league. We think the Kraken is such an awesome name for a hockey team. Give them a few years, look at the Las Vegas Golden Knights​:wink:. Happy Holidays!


The rain held off, and the Turkey Trot was a perfect way to start the holiday!


This card was from someone else! You thank me for my card to you (“Merry Slothmas”) further down!


Three more cards received:
@DcMdVa sent a Lantern Press card, a winter gazebo in Leavenworth, Washington.

@normajean sent a bookstore in Taos, New Mexico, all decked out for Christmas.

@Torchwood3 sent a pretty girl and her dog in snowstorm, intent on getting the gifts on her sled delivered.

Wonderful cards!! Thank you so much!


Oh thank you for letting me know! I looked again and the card was received from another Carol! @Torchwood3 ! Thank you Carols :rofl: