Closed - contacted admin

After receiving this card, I posted on a Chinese forum and found at least 3 of us (maybe there are more) have received similar cards from same person, with propaganda content typed in traditional Chinese about a religious organization in Canada. There’s no ID or name of the sender except an Canadian address. None of us has ever shown our address to public. We’ve searched ID on the postcrossing official site but found no result. Now we are all worried about the safety of our addresses and personal information. We don’t know how our addresses were obtained and whether they would be used for other purposes. What should we do? Could anyone offer some advice please?

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Maybe they signed up an account and drew addresses, but wrote down the wrong ID on purpose. I’ve read a thread that someone was also sent 2 cards with religious message from 2 different IDs but have exactly same profile and they both signed up on the same day.


Here’s the thread:


There was an incident where a person sent ad cards via “dialogue mail” (meant for companies to advertise to their customers) to Postcrossers with a random ID. Have you all received from the same person in the past?


Thank you for the information!
We don’t even know whether this card is an official one. The sender is totally hidden in the dark. And the address is in Scarborough, ON. I searched ID with it and found nothing. I don’t know if this address has anything related to an postcrossing account, or just belongs to their organization.

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No, this is the first time I receive such a card.

Sorry, I didn’t make it clear. I meant, have you and the others received “normal cards” from the same user before?

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We don’t know who the user is, but I haven’t received any card from the same city or have similar handwriting, and from the reaction of other members they haven’t either. So no, we haven’t received normal cards from the same user before.

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Perhaps you might wish to contact Canada Post to complain about unsolicited mail?

  1. Office of the Ombudsman at Canada Post. PO Box 90026 Ottawa ON K1V 1J8.
  2. 1-800-204-4193.

Ah okay. Then it’s mysterious. :thinking:

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Thank you for the information!
The postcard is typed in traditional Chinese and I guess Canadian post staff won’t be able to identify which is unsolicited mail and which is not. It looks like personal and I’m not sure the post office can help.

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I think you and and the others who received this kind of mail should inform the postcrossing team immediately.
If it is indeed linked to the religious spam from the Jehova witnesses, the postcrossing team can undertake some action.
It is indeed a very unnerving situation !


Thank you! Maybe the postcrossing team will be able to locate the sender if I offer them the Canadian address on the card?
This is unnerving indeed. I don’t know how they obtained our addresses. At least it’s about something religious instead of political, or I’ll worry even more.


I don’t know what they can and will do, but when you complain officially action will be taken !!!

I also think it might be an idea that there would be a general item on the blog informing everyone about this situation and asking affected postcrossers to report any of similar missives…
But this is for the postcrossing team to decide !

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Thank you for your advice! I will contact the postcrossing team and they must be able to find out at least more clues about it.


Hello dear all,

I have informed the admin team , @meiadeleite, @paulo, @Mundoo .
I will close this topic now .


@elenion I’ve sent you a message about this, so we can investigate what might be going on here!