[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

Wow! Looking forward to getting some of these.

Whoa! Thank you for sharing this and tagging to bring it to my attention ā€” what an amazing story! :heart_eyes:

Stuā€™s dedication really is super impressive and the researcherā€™s detective skills as well! This gives me such warm feelings, knowing that this person had a tough time this past year and a half, but then got this unexpected piece of happiness delivered to her. Hurray!

Iā€™m going to make a note to share it after World Postcard Day :slight_smile:


Have noticed in the last few weeks (or maybe months) that intra-UK letters are travelling very fast on 2nd classā€¦in some cases faster than 1st class! Have had a few postcards/letters with 2nd class stamp arrive next day - both sending and receiving. Anyone else?

Not sure, but my first class postcard posted yesterday arrived this morning, I wasnā€™t really expecting that either. Although local business mail here has also been delivered in one day recently.

I made a mess on Friday of my postcards I didnā€™t send, so today I organised them. I came across some written ones, including one from a certain someone who visited Serbia in 2013, a couple of postcards from Finland with the lenticular winter sports stamps, and some blank ones via some RRs - one Metallica postcard from Brian, and a few postcards from W105akaMokeā€¦

Iā€™ve noticed this too! I recently had a large first class letter take three days to arrive whilst one of the cards I posted second class on WPD arrived the next day!


I am still waiting for my cards posted on WPD at our postcrossing meet-up to arrive. :postbox: First class within the UK and airmail to Europe. It should be fast, but maybe the special handstamp takes a while. Patience is not one of my virtues ā€¦


I was hoping they would arrive today,
Letā€™s hope they donā€™t take longer than 7 days :frowning:

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Caught my name in the whatā€™s happening box a couple of times today. Also recognised a few names as well, including Serenaā€™s!

My one I sent to myself from Stampex only arrived yesterday!

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Oh wow, thatā€™s a long wait! My cards sent to myself took one week, the ones to Germany arrived two days ago. Love the special cancellation stamp :heart_eyes:,

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A postcard I sent in March has just arrived with its recipient. Wow!


Lovely card Jess! So satisfying when one arrives after so long :slight_smile:

I know World Postcard Day is exciting and all, but I have now received 5 official copies of the same WPD card :roll_eyes:

Next year Iā€™ll have to go inactive that day!

I was in postcard debt then, but even so, received 2 non-postcrossing WPD cards, one from the US, and one from England, from the mother of a postcrosserā€¦

I just hit 500 sent postcards with GB-1448380 :partying_face:



My life is now categorised by two days:

  • Days postcards arrive
  • Days no postcards arrive


Havenā€™t had postcards arrive in ages, but today three came at once. Hooray!


And yesterday I got a new type of card ā€˜Thereā€™s a fee to pay before we can deliver your itemā€™ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I wonder what that could be, not really expecting anything. Especially at Ā£4 thatā€™s more than a letter I think? At least the whole process is online now.

Ah there was something similar on another thread: Postcard from Royal Mail - #9 by MostlyMess

Ā£4 is a lot! Really annoys me when people underpay postageā€¦