[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

3 days to China! :open_mouth:

These are my currently travelling cards, so itā€™s not been received yet! I think itā€™d have to sent by rocket ship to achieve that :joy:


Oh, so sorry! I was quite warm from an uphill walk when I read that. That does make more sense! :woman_facepalming:t2:


All of my travelling cards, including the expired ones:

Australia is the only odd one out of the slower cards.

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Ah, sorry. Once i reread your post it was perfectly clear .

Iā€™ve sometimes had time & signed up for a large group - then a LONG delay before addresses sent out , by which time Iā€™m busy.
The recent uptake in activity in UK is helpful I think as long as you donā€™t feel obliged to post everything the same day. Some of us still have full time jobs.
Let the busy work period pass - we have to practice self care. Then treat yourself to some beautiful cards you canā€™t wait to sendā€¦ x


All of my travelling cards


So over the last few days my two cards traveling to Belarus reached their destinations. I decided to trial my timing theory, which could obviously be a complete fluke, butā€¦

I drew one address at 10pm last night & got a UK address and I drew a second address at 5.30am today & got the USA.

I canā€™t be 100% certain, but I believe all my recent Russian & Belarusian addresses were drawn during the middle of the day x


I may have to test your theory, Emma. Iā€™ve never received a UK address, for instance. Maybe I just havenā€™t drawn enough addresses, though? I always thought it was just completely at random, but I donā€™t know.


I have been on Postcrossing for just under a year and Iā€™ve only ever had 2 official UK addresses.

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Nine in four years here.

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That was my second UK address since I joined & sent my very first card back in August last year.

It doesnā€™t feel random, although I thought so too x

I managed 4 days to UK for @xxxxyyyyzzzz

It has got to be my fastest - the only other 4 days I had was to Hong Kong, which is within Asia

Cards to @Steve_Francis have also been generally quick, usually within a week
(My last card to him travelled 22-27 April)

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Thatā€™s impressive!

It seems like a UK Postcrosser might only get about 2 UK addresses a year, then, unless they have many more slots availableā€¦?


Iā€™ve sent 5 cards to the UK in 2 years, so 2/year sounds about right


I didnā€™t realise UK addresses were so infrequent. Thank you everybody for the clarifications.


Hello everyone! Just wanted to check in and say that Iā€™m still here, and really enjoying all your chat (I especially loved all the bluebell photos a few weeks ago!) but now I usually have a lovely tiny person curled up on me which is making writing messages and postcards a little trickier than before! But Iā€™m looking forward to joining in with some of the new tags soon! :black_heart:

Take care everyone, and hope itā€™s sunny and lovely where you are!

Katie xx


Many congratulations Katie!

Hope youā€™re all well.


Awww yay, Iā€™ve been hoping youā€™d let us know your happy news. Congratulations to you all & welcome to the world little baby :baby:t3: x


Congratulations! Wonderful news! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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