[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

I’m particularly loving Anne & Lucy’s input to the article :joy::joy::joy: x

I couldn’t be arsed sending them, said 55-year-old Anne Hesketh, a day tripper taking her dog for a walk on the beach.

Lucy, 19, is on the tills at The Old Time photo studio, a gift shop adjacent to the Pleasure Beach… She doesn’t understand why anyone would want to buy a postcard when you can just send a picture saying ‘I’m having a great time. See you when I get home’

Her colleague whizzes over to one of the shelves and picks up a pair of rock candy breasts on display next to a selection of rock penises. People would rather buy that than a postcard, says Lucy.


Yep, such a disappointment that this happens. Sad but true.


“People just think they’re flyers and walk off with them”



I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, and if so, how did you get back into writing postcards,

I have kind of stagnated, and haven’t written any postcards for about three weeks, I have drawn a few addresses here and there and have a few tag cards, I need to write out, but having a busy period in work and at home, I just haven’t had the enthusiasm to write cards,

Any tips on how to get back into picking up the pen and choosing nice cards and stamps for recipients?


Or just give yourself a complete rest until you want to write again? I’ve only ever had a day or two when I’ve not wanted to write. So I stop and wait till I feel like it again. I’m not sure forcing yourself will help.


I try to only write when i feel like it, there are so many things in life we HAVE to do and I’d never want it to feel like a chore. But maybe set yourself a time frame to write say 3 and see if that gets you back into it once you’re in the flow of it? Or picture the happy “thank you” messages you’ll get :blush: But i agree with @Floralle - if you just don’t feel like it, take a bit of a break till you feel more up to it - sometimes real life gets in the way! :kissing_heart: Maybe the meet tomorrow will revive your love for all things Postcrossing!!


My travelling cards right now. What do other people’s look like?

Plus expired: 2 to China :cn:, 1 to the USA :us:, 1 to Belarus :belarus:, 1 to Taiwan :taiwan: and 1 to Malaysia :malaysia:


Plus expired 2 to USA :us: 1 to Finland :finland: 1 to China :cn: and 1 to Kazakhstan :kazakhstan:


If someone receives one on a postcard from France, I hope that the smell of baguette survives the journey!


Mine are a little more diverse @geo_ but I think @mwntimperial is having the same issue as you :frowning: x

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My card to Finland just reached its destination, I drew another address straight away & got Germany. I find I’m more likely to get RS/BY when I request addresses in the middle of the day. Late at night & very early in the morning tends to give me more variety x


That’s interesting. I usually request mine in the middle of the day to do after I have eaten lunch and until the last month or so it’s been fine. I am definitely going to try doing so at a different time of day next time, though!


Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: it helps, let us know how you get on x

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These are mine.


I haven’t included my expired postcards.

I find drawing addresses in the morning gives me the far east, Russia etc in the middle and the US in the evening. Europe can be any time of day. Of course, these are just generalities and, frankly, I can get anywhere at any time of day.


Thanks all, that’s really interesting! There’s surprisingly not that many travelling to Germany, more going to the USA, Russia, Belarus and China.


I had got really down about the travel times of my cards as every card I draw seems to have a huge travel time and there’s just no real movement at the moment - this is my worst month for my cards arriving since I started PC last June - but I got some encouragement on the Russia/Belarus mail thread and I am going to experiment with requesting an address later in the day next time. It does seem a general theme overall at the moment though!


There’s also an article about it on the BBC news website.

I don’t know whether I’d want to smell it or not. I do like the smell of fresh bread though.


Here are my travelling cards:

I’ve had 7 arrive this month, and my recent Russian cards have all arrived within 35-55 days. I’ve not pulled many Chinese addresses recently but my last one was 27 days. The expired Belarusian card I have no hope for, as it was to someone who’s only sent 1 card and hasn’t logged in since, but otherwise I feel like I’ve been quite lucky with a nice spread and decent travel times. I’ve just been pulling addresses a couple at a time when I’ve felt up to it, and I still have a couple of free spots at the moment - the way I’ve found works best for me :smiling_face:


Those are some incredible travel times.
I’ve had 7 arrive but sluggish compared with you !

My mix is currently ok. I have some expired ( Russian, Indian and Belarussian I think) but some of those are to people who haven’t logged in in a while.